The Alcoholic | Uke

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Xavier Gruary



Xavier is quiet and self-reserved, his quite distant from others and doesnt like getting the spot light on himself. He is pretty sarcastic in a conversation, and can get cocky sometimes, but is over and all usually very quiet. And doesnt usually give off a emotion or vibe unless he thinks your worth his time.

Alcohol, alcohol- and oh did I mention alcohol?
Ever sense Xavier was 10 that's all he ever really liked (he used to sneak it in his household and drink under age) he also likes chain like things, and corners.

Xavier hates being sober- he doesnt like going home and hates having a regular converation-or any conversation at all. Xavier hates school, and , basically life. He also isnt a very big fan of icecream for his own personal reason.

Xavier's mother died when he was 4 years old, and ever sense his dad had became an alcoholic, and used his time to drink and beat Xavier instead of raising him. Due to this, Xavier started skipping school whenever he could and followed in his dads footsteps, he started also drinking at a very young age and never quit, he never had any friends either so he really only depended on alcohol.

December 26th, but he doesnt like celebrating it


Drinking- and getting himself into fights.

He can drink a whole bin and not be queasy at all after if that counts owo


Others▪︎He barley goes to school, and when he does he either gets himself into fights or expelled

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▪︎He barley goes to school, and when he does he either gets himself into fights or expelled.

Your brother had to take you in while your parents where out of town, and hell was he responsible - responsible enough to sneak you in a bar while you where still under aged ~.~ , there, you saw Xavier staring out the window, while drinking- you knew you seen him around your school before, not that much, but still have and have always wanted to talk to him but something had always gotten in the way.
But now was pretty much your chance, you?

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