The Surprise chap.1

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 it had been a year after your wedding you and Leona were living happily but something was about to make it even happier Today Kalim and Rook stopped by to visit and also have a look around your Castle which was a beautiful fusion of Pyroxene and Afterglow Savanah

you and Leona went out front to greet them and then when they got out the car you picked up your skirts quickly descending the stairs

You smiled "Kalim!..Rook! it's so good to see you!"

Kalim beamed "(Y/n)!"

you hugged them both and Rook took your hands "(Y/n) dear! you look stunning!"

you smiled "Thank you...oh and don't say anything but I have a surprise for Leona"

Kalim smiled "Oh! what is it"

"You'll see later do come In now"

 you turned and went up the stairs with them following behind and then Leona greeted them both as well before you all went inside and they gasped in awe as you showed them around

"Oh my It's much bigger then the old dorm" said Rook 

you giggled "Of course" you and Leona then locked hands as you walked but then you remembered "Oh I forgot! Let's all go to the lounge for tea"

Kalim gasped "you have a lounge"

"Yes of course it's just this way" and you led them to the lounge where the servants had already set up tea and some snacks you all took your seats and you poured them all some tea though you knew Leona's not really one for tea though but he was trying to be for you

You took a sip "so Kalim how've you been"

"I've been great I recently got engaged I promise to invite you all to the wedding"

you smiled "that's wonderful Congratulations!"

Leona smirked "heh never thought I'd see you married"

Rook set down his cup "I could say the same for you and (Y/n)"

you looked at Leona and smiled then he kissed your cheek but then you thought now might be a good time to tell Leona and everyone else 

you put down your cup and turned to Leona "Dear I have something to tell you"

he took your hands "what is it love"

you smiled "I..I'm Pregnant"

Leona's eyes widened but then he smiled hugging you tight "I..I'm gonna be a dad"  you hugged him back and he kissed you

Kalim beamed "Congratulations!"

Rook took out his handkerchief wiping his eyes "Oh little princess is having a little Princess"

Leona looked over "A Prince!"

you giggled " we have awhile before we'll know the gender"

Leona kissed your cheek "I love you and I'll love our baby too"

you smiled and stroked his cheek but then Rook plopped down next to you "(Y/n) dear I'll help you look for baby clothes"

"Thank you Rook but I'd like to make some myself I know how to sew after all"

"I think that's wonderful! I'll send things for the baby from back home" said Kalim

You smiled and Kalim came over giving you a little hug "I'll be sure to tell Jamil"

Leona crossed his arms "Hey are you guys going to stay the night or what" 

" I'm much too busy with prep for the wedding I promise to keep In touch though take care (Y/n) I'll come by again soon!" said Kalim and then he got up puling Rook along "H..hey watch the sleeves!...take care (Y/n) Dear!"

 and they left the lounge you looked at Leona and laughed taking another sip of your tea and Leona put his arm around you "Seriously I can't believe we're going to be parents"

"me too It's exciting and scary at the same time"

Leona smiled warmly "Hey don't worry I'm here and I promise to be the best Father"

you smiled "I know you will thank you dear" you both nuzzled noses then Leona laid down with his head on your lap and you rubbed his ears 

"Leona I wonder will our child also have ears like yours"

"Of course"

you smiled "Aww that'll be so sweet when do you think we can tell Farena"

Leona's eyes shot open "W..we don't have to tell him too soon let's wait awhile"

you sighed "Dear come now I know you still don't dislike your brother now do you"

Leona grumbled"W..well I guess not..."

you smiled "I know Cheka will be delighted to have a cousin"

Leona then sat up bringing you into his arms and you put your head on his shoulder "I can't wait to meet him or her"

he kissed your forehead "yeah me too".

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