Another Day

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Alex jogged down the hallway her hoodie covering her head. She held her journal full of art and her next class's binder. She tried to stop seeing a foot slide in front of her but it was to late. She tripped over it and face planted into the floor. A roar of laughter rumbled through the hall. "Jeeze such a loser", her bully Ammie said. Ammie and her sidekick girls were popular. They torture anyone lower then them unless you do whatever they say. Alex stood up gathering her stuff. "Yeah I think you dropped something", tianna one of ammie's sidekick said. More chuckling was heard. Alex ignored them and hurried into math class. She sat down at her desk just as the bell rang. The teacher wasn't in class yet. Alex decided to lay her head down and keep her hoodie on. After several minutes she heard the teacher come in. She felt her hoodie get tugged off her head, "no hoodies in class now lets get started". She glared looking up. Suddenly she felt an odd feeling. Like someone was watching her. She opened her art journal and started drawing a character she was very familiar with. The puppeteer. She started to feel better and that's when she heard a horrifying scream echo from in the hallway. Everyone looked toward the door shocked. Alex looked at the teacher. He seemed to go tense. He dropped his dry erase marker and went to the door, "everyone stay here and stay quiet". He then went out the door shutting it behind him. She looked around. Even the football players seemed tense. After awhile of sitting there and class was almost over she knew something was wrong. The speaker clicked on and a voice came out of it. "Everyone do not leave class after the bell rings lock the door and do not open it we have an intruder in the building or on the school ground. Follow the rules to what would be the drill and remember this is not a drill repeat this is not a drill". Alex was now terrified. One of the football player locked the door and turned off the light most of the kids went to the side of the classroom where they were most hidden from the door and three students went underneath the teacher's desk. Alex and two others were frozen to there desks. Alex couldn't move. What had happened to the girl who screamed. Was she possibly...dead. She felt someone tug at her hoodie. She saw that another quiet girl named Mia waa trying to get her to get up. Alex got up and followed her over to the side wall. No words were spoken from anyone. Yet everyone was silently communicating by looking at each other and touching shoulders to comfort each other. After around two hours someone came to the door, "police open up". No one moved. For all anyone knew it could be the intruder lying. The speaker came back on and a voice came through, "open the doors police are here to escort you please follow their directions thank you". So of course everyone ran toward the door. The police let them out and had them speed walk. Finally she was out of the school. The sky was grey and the breeze chilled her face. She inhaled the fresh air. She then heard a cry. She turned and saw Ammie's mother. Her mother was sobbing and holding onto her husband. Her husband was pale and seemed shocked and terrified. "NOO SHE ISN'T DEAD LET ME SEE HER", ammie's mother screamed. Alex's eyes widened in shock. So the scream came from Ammie...and she was dead. Alex needed to get away. She started to walk out of the school parking lot. She still couldn't stop the feeling that she was being watched. She stepped around the school gate. She knew that she was most likely suppose to wait and get a ride from a parent but she didn't have a parent. So she snuck away. She didn't live that far from the school. All she had to do was go down the street turn on another street and at the corner was her home. As she turned onto her street she heard an ambulance in the distance getting closer. She knew it was to get to the school. She started to jog not wanting to be in the open in case the intruder was nearby. She got to her door and grabbed the key from under the rock on the side of her door. She got inside and locked the door. Her heart was racing from jogging and from fear. She sat on the couch to catch her breath and turned on the TV. "Live from Tellabrook High School Ammie Landers was murdered in the rest room. It seemed like all of her bones were broken at once and strangled at the same time. The police do not know how it was possible but are investigating". Alex was speechless and shut off the TV. How the heck was all her bones broken. She only had the chance to scream once. It happened so quick. It was impossible...yet it happened. Alex ran her hands through her auburn brown hair. She decided she was gonna take a shower that's when it dawned on her. She was so scared and ready to leave the school she left all her stuff including her art journal. She sighed and grabbed her black shorts and a grey baggy t-shirt with her white undies. She got undressed and and got in the shower. She heard her door bell ring and she jumped. No one ever came to her door. But then again the cops probably wanted to question her. She ignored it and started to wash up. Once she was done she swung the shower curtain open and dried off. She got dressed and walked into the living room drying her hair. She looked out of the peep hole in the door. There was no one. She opened the door and looked around. As she was about to go in something on her porch caught her eye. Her art journal was on the porch. She froze. None of her other stuff was there...just the journal. She picked it up slowly looking around more closely. No one was around. But who brought back her journal. The cops wouldn't care about it. No one really knew about it. Then she remembered how she felt like she was being watched. She slammed the door shut locking it and then ran to her room shutting her door. She didn't understand what the heck was going on. But she most likely will find out. For her sake hopefully it will be soon.

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