Wake Up Call

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Alex turned over drowsily. She opened her eyes and jumped nearly falling out of bed. Puppeteer sat in the same spot since last night staring at her. He half smiled. "Uh...puppeteer....how long have you sat there watching me", alex asked. He patted the bed. Her eyes widened, "since last night". He nodded innocently as if to him that was a normal thing to do. Alex giggled embarrassed, "well um puppeteer its not really...nice to stare at people when they sleep". Puppeteer blinked emotionless. Alex huffed, "nevermind listen I have to take a shower...do not come in". He rolled his eyes smiling brightly. He shook his head and fished through the side table drawers and handed her a bag of brand new women underwear. She blushed, "uh...hehehe...how long have you had those". He smirked raising five fingers. She was now beat red as a tomato possibly redder. "Oh so since you started watching me...so you went through my dresser and looked at my size". He nodded. Alex grabbed the underwear, "okay well I'm headed to the shower see you in a second hehehe". She shut the basement door. The shower was in the corner beside the staircase. She huffed. Alex was only going to rinse off. She got undressed and placed her clothes on the stand where the torcher instruments were. She turned on the water and dodged the extremely cold water. Alex looked up at the basement door to make sure that puppeteer wasn't coming in. She wasn't afraid of him she just didn't want him to see her stretch marks and naked body. She used to be obese and then lost her weight because she stopped eating all together when her parents went missing. Alex started eating again later on but right now she is at the weight she wants to be at. She is nice looking. She just had to hide the stretch marks. The water was now at perfect temperature. She got everything rinsed and then blushed in a panic. She had no towel. She turned off the water. She grabbed her shirt and hid her chest as she went up the stairs and cracked open the basement door, "um...puppeteer...do you have a towel". His grey hand popped through the door holding a kitchen hand towel. Alex instantly went annoyed, "we really need to get you some necessities". She dried herself off with the small hand towel and got on the brand new undies and her old clothes back on. She got upstairs and was drying off her hair. She heard her phone ringing in her pants pocket and answered it, "hello Lilly what's up". "Alex you never called me. I've been waiting for a couple of days". Alex froze. She forgot to call Lilly. "I'm so sorry I've been slightly busy". Lilly laughed, "its okay I just wanted to update you on tianna". Alex became anxious, "Yeah what's up". "Well she is back but isn't really speaking. She was found at the neighborhood park. She was on the news and she just kept saying she was lost and attacked by a bear. Her face is pretty banged up. Right now she is at her house and the news reporters are swarming around her house like bees swarming a nest". Alex felt a sense of relief and guilt. She was relieved that tianna didn't say anything about puppeteer and her and she felt guilty because she beat her up. Puppeteer walked inside and saw alex was on the phone. "Wow that's insane. Well at least she is alright. She's probably gonna act weird for awhile. I mean being attacked by a bear is a traumatic experience". Lilly went silent, "well I don't know doesn't it seem kinda coincidental that tianna was attacked right after Ammie was murdered". Alex bit her lip, "well why would the murderer not kill her and risk her saying something". "Yeah...your right that is pretty strange...well I should go my mom wants me to go shopping with her. Im sending you more groceries alright". Alex giggled, "okay well just leave them on the porch I'm going to the mall today". Puppeteer's eyes widened. Alex smiled at him. "Oh okay window shopping", lilly asked. "Yeah of course I can't afford anything at the mall let alone the dollar store", alex said. "Well I might have a job for you", Lilly said. Alex went silent, "what type of job". "Well a librarian assistant...the library really needs someone and I feel you would be perfect and besides...there having a drawing contest". Alex felt her heart flutter, "I'm listening". Lilly giggled, "so basically the contest is whoever can draw the most beautiful wedding bride would get $7,000 dollars and I think if you were to help them and be an assistant you might have an advantage". Alex nodded, "when is the contest". "In two weeks", lilly replied. "Okay well let me think about it alright", alex said. "Okay talk to you later", lilly said. "You too", alex said hanging up. Alex laughed seeing puppeteer's confused look, "so are you ready to go to the mall and pick out an oufit for yourself". He did a nervous half smile. Alex laughed, "well lets go we have some shopping to do".

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