Karma is Best Served Cold

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Alex walked over to tianna smiling. "You remember me the one who tripped over something a couple days ago". Tianna whined through the tape. Alex looked at the wall full of torture instruments, "you know there is a lot of things here but really...its not enough". She was now in her face. "You see I remember all of the ways you hurt me...which is exactly how I'm gonna hurt you". She punched tianna directly in the face. Alex got a certain happiness. Tianna winced and her eyes went wide. Alex then punched her again. Alex then did it over and over until her nose finally bled like tianna did to her so many times. Tianna's head hung like she couldn't hold it up. Alex ripped off the tape from her mouth, "what you can't handle the pain that you give other people". Alex smacked her, "lift your head up tianna say something you always have a sarcastic comment when you hurt me so SAY SOMETHING". Alex punched her in the stomach. Tianna coughed, "I'm s-sorry please s-stop". Alex laughed, "wow I wonder how many times I have said the exact same words...except for the I'm sorry part". Alex tipped her chin so tianna was looking directly at her, "but why should I listen to you if you never listened to me". Alex then stopped mid swing. Alex then felt a tinge of guilt. She was doing exactly what Ammie and tianna did to her. She was being just like them. Hurting other people for enjoyment. "You know what...your right im not gonna hurt you because I'm not like you...Im better than you so just remember that you were going to be killed but instead I'm letting you go....on one condition". Tianna looked up at her with tears in her eyes, "W-what". "You are not going to call the cops or else he will be after you and I can't stop him", alex said pointing to puppeteer. Puppeteer was now back to his original form. Tianna nodded, "I w-wont and really I am sorry it was J-just that Ammie had c-control over me and if I h-had left her s-she would have hurt me l-like she did you". Alex shrugged, "well now she is gone so you have no more excuses". Alex untied her and tianna stood up and ran up the stairs. Alex could hear her slam the front door. Puppeteer was looking at her slightly concerned. "We cant keep her and if you don't like the way I am then maybe you should choose someone else", alex said slightly sad. He smiled and shook his head. Alex smiled, "good because I was really regretting saying that". Alex went upstairs and looked at the clock on the stove, "wow time goes by fast when your busy". It was already eight at night. He pushed the coffee table to the side and went to the couch and tossed the pillows and cushions aside. Alex blushed, "wait...we're staying here". He nodded and pulled the bed out of the couch. She went frozen to the spot, "uh...where are you sleeping". Puppeteer smiled, "he sat next to the bed". Alex bit her lip, "that would be uncomfortable". He shrugged and gave her a charming half smile. Alex huffed, "okay but don't be mad at me". Alex grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and put the pillows on the bed. She sat down and looked at the chimney, "no tv". He shook his head and looked away guilty. She smiled awkwardly, "nah its okay you probably dont have time for tv...so...how many people have been punished". He raised an eyebrow and thought for awhile. He shrugged and put up one finger, then a circle, and another circle. Alex nodded, "over one hundred...sounds about right...what do you like to do on free time". He looked at her and seemed to be embarrassed. He threw his hands in the air as if to say he had no clue. "Well you seem to like my art work. Do you draw". Puppeteer started to play with the sheet on the side of the bed. He half nodded. "How long has it been", alex said. He gave her a look that meant a long long time. Alex nodded, "yeah well maybe tomorrow we could find out some things you like to do...please". He shook his head smiling nervously. "Please come on you should do something for yourself at least do it to make me happy", alex said smiling. She really wanted him to say yes. Its been awhile since she had a friend to hang out with. Actually she hadn't had a true friend since elementary school. Puppeteer saw the look of hope on her face. His smile became warm and gentle. He nodded. Alex clapped her hands like and kid then blushed feeling stupid she just clapped her hands. He stared at her smiling. "W-well great so tomorrow when I wake up I'll figure out what we'll do". He nodded. Alex layed down, "well goodnight puppeteer". He patted the bed in response. She smiled drifting to sleep. She hadn't been this happy since she had her parents. Her heart sank. Her parents. She remembered her mom painting and teaching her how to sketch. Her father would drive her over to the lake once a year since she just a baby to take her fishing. Until they went missing two years ago. So alex never learned how to paint...only sketch. She is eighteen now. It was a stormy night with lots of thunder and heavy rain. She had just got done helping finish dishes for her mother. Her mother was tired after finishing what would be her last painting. It was of a yellow and white butterfly with its wings spread. Grass hung above the butterfly and the sun was behind the butterfly. Alex still had the painting hung in her parents room. She hadn't went in there since the night they went missing. The bed was still messed up and everything was the way they left it. That morning she had gotten ready and felt uneasy with the fact her parents weren't up to say goodbye to her. She went to their room and they were gone. After school she waited for them to come back. She still waits for the moment they come back. Alex closed her eyes trying not to get emotional. At least puppeteer would get her mind off of everything. He was the only thing she had. Hopefully he would never leave her. Hopefully.

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