Another Restless Night

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Alex threw her covers off. It was no use. She wasn't going to get sleep because the only thing on her mind was the Puppateer. She could still see him standing in front of her bike. Even though he was only there for a split second she could see him perfectly. She saw the string was now gone. In a panic she started to look under her bed and dresser. She then turned and looked under her closet. The crease under her closet was glowing. She slowly crawled over to her closet her heart beating fast like a drum. She reached for the knob her hand shaking. She held on and slowly twisted the knob opening the door. Once it was halfway she saw someone's leg. She swung it open and froze in shock and disbelief. The puppeteer was sitting on the floor of her closet his one leg crossed and the other sticking straight out. His glowing gold eyes looked up at hers. Alex couldn't move. She was still in disbelief. She had heard so many stories about him. But the stories were suppose to be fiction...not real. He stayed still and calm. His eyes lingered on hers steadily. Alex let go of the door her arm becoming sore. "Are", Alex stuttered. All he did was stare. She blushed and stood up, "you can leave the closet now". The puppeteer finally seperated his eyes from hers. He stood up and stretched. Her eyes widened. He was a foot taller then her. Alex blushed again and turned away fixing up her bed. Alex now wondered if she was just dreaming. Maybe she was so tired that she was having a very vivid dream. Alex walked over to him once she was done making her bed. She poked him and gasped. She could feel him. She then pinched herself yelping. He grabbed her hand and pulled it away from her away shaking his head violently. "I...I thought maybe I was dreaming...but your...real", Alex said pulling her hand away from his slowly. The puppeteer walked around her and touched her journal that was on her dresser and looked back at her. Alex become embarrassed and felt ashamed, "S-sorry I just like to draw things that make me calm...I won't do it again". He shook his head and handed her the journal. Alex glanced down at the journal and back at him, " want me to draw you". He nodded lightly and sat at the end of her bed. She put the journal down, "are you hungry...I have hot pockets". He smiled and shook his head. Alex then froze, "wait...did you buy the food". He smiled again and opened her journal. Alex fiddled her fingers, "it figures you did long have you been watching me". He looked up at her and raised five fingers. "So five days", she asked. He shook his head. "Five weeks". He again shook his head. Now alex was getting stunned, "five...months". He nodded placing the book beside him. His eyes weren't glowing anymore but they were still gold. She couldn't believe this. He had been watching her for five months and she didn't even notice. "Were you worried of showing yourself is that why it took you so long to give me hints". He didn't move but instead stared. It seemed like when he didn't know how to respond he just stared. Alex shrugged, "it really doesn't matter I was just curious". Her phone started to ring and she went and grabbed it. It was Lilly. Alex answered the phone, "hello its 12:25 why are you up so late". Lilly seemed to be breathing quickly. "You won't believe me when I tell you but...". Alex waited, "what Lilly what happened". "Well remember tianna Ammie's old side kick", Lilly stuttered. Alex sat on the bed preparing herself, "yes I do". "Well...she's gone...on the news there's a missing child's report for her...we could be next", Lilly said her voice shivering. Alex looked at the puppeteer. He looked at her clearly hearing the conversation. "Lilly we'll be okay just start traveling with someone not by yourself okay", alex said calmly. "Do you think I that she's...". Lilly couldn't say it. But they both knew what the unspoken word was. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves maybe she decided to run from home because it was to much to loose Ammie". Lilly was silent and then spoke again, "okay...your me tomorrow". "Yes of course now go get some sleep you'll be fine". They hung up and alex immediately looked at him, "it was made her missing". He shrugged. Alex groaned, "please stop you don't need to kill people just because they're mean...its apart of life and we have to learn how to deal with it". He went into his pocket and got his phone. Alex didn't know that the puppeteer had a phone. He showed her a live feed video and she gasped. Tianna was tied to a chair in a dark room that was covered in tarp. Her mouth was covered with tape. She wasn't bruised or bleeding. "She's alive...why are you keeping her". He then pointed to her journal. Ar first she didn't understand. But then she realized. She had drew an image of Tianna being beaten by the puppeteer. Alex now felt disgusted with herself, "I just imagened that happening...I would never truly wish pain upon anyone". He raised an eyebrow and showed her ths image. She froze and looked at him, "I don't want to kill her". He nodded and pointed again. Alex did want to break her nose like Tianna broke hers. And punch her repeatedly like tianna did her. Alex looked at him. He knew exactly what she was thinking. Alwx sighed, "when do we see her".

Hello darlings! Just to let you know this story is going to have some violence and depressing moments. Because this is about a girl with depression. But don't worry The puppeteer will help her! Also the puppeteer may be able to speak in the future. Ya never know 😉 so please keep reading only if you can take slight violence. Thank you and I'm always into hearing comments. I'm okay with positive criticism but not rude comments. Byeeeeee!

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