Chapter Three - Taken By Storm(actually)

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—3 hours later—

Looking through that now-frosted glass, Jon pondered, could we be stuck here? No way, the storms are never that bad. He had been standing in the kitchen for a few minutes now, saying he was going to refill his water bottle.

Deep in thought, he jumped at the touch of a finger on his shoulder, "Oh, it's just you." He sighed.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" the small girl scoffed with a smirk.

"it-it's good."

"You sure?" She laughed, "You don't sound so sure."

"No, really it is." He smiled looking down at her, "it's nice to see you-I mean-that sounded weird," he tried to laugh it off as he rambled on, "I meant to say, I like talking to you, so it's good it was you I turned around to and not someone else-"

"Stop, Jon," she laughed, "I get what you mean, your rambling will give me a headache," she joked. He laughed in response, then turned back to the window, "What are you looking at? You can barely see anything through that window..." She started.

"That's just it, Lauren," He sighed, "we can't..." He turned back towards her, "Lauren, between you and me, I think this so-called 'small snow storm' is going to be not-so-small..." He turned back to the window.

"Are you saying there is a chance of a... blizzard?" She looked at the window too.

"Maybe..." He looked back down at her, her eyes wandered back and forth uneasily as she took a long breath before looking back into his eyes with a small smile.


"Hey Brian, come look at this..." Meredith slowly said as she looked out the small window next to the front door.

He walked over to her side, "What is it Mere?"

"The snow... Rachel," she turned to the girl leaning over the chair comfortably, "Didn't you say high winds in the news report?"

"Yeah," she replied sitting up, "What? Does it seem windy out there? It's only almost 5:20..."

"If 'windy out there' means the trees are hitting the ground, then yes, it's very windy." Denise laughed as walked over to Meredith's side as well.

"Seems too early for the storm to hit..." Brian mumbled.

"It gets dark earlier this time of year..." Joey mumbled as he tried to sneak his peek at the outdoors.

Everyone rushed over to the window to take a look outside. The wind was pushing the trees, making them hit windows and parked cars, the snow was coming down hard, and they were barely making out any moving people outside.

Jon and Lauren walked through the doorway to see everyone's butts in the air and faces in the front windows.

"Nice asses everyone." Lauren laughed as they all turned around, "Want to tell me your trainer's name?"

Walker shook his head with a chuckle and walked back to the couch, "It will be fine guys, let's just continue our night together."

Everyone agreed and went back to sitting where they were before. Jon and Lauren split up with a small smile, Jon returning back to Jeff and Lauren went to sit at Walker's feet.

"Let's at least check the news." Nick suggested as everyone sat down and looked towards the TV on the side of the room.

He turned it on as a "Breaking News" story was just getting started, since they missed the beginning, Dylan read the bottom headline out loud to the group as it passed the bottom of the screen, "Blizzard approaching quickly into Ann Arbor, Michigan. Citizens prepare to stay indoors until furthur notice."

"Dylan, are you sure you're reading that right? That sounds like some made-up story." Moses joked.

"It's right there-" Dylan started but was interrupted by a "shhh" in full unison by the group.

They listened in on the news anchorman, "The high-wind and snow warning went up significantly today at 5:30pm, they are telling all citizens in the Ann Arbor area to stay off the roads and stay indoors to--" the news cut out, Nick hit the remote once or twice.

"It's not working." He hit the remote again.

"Hitting it doesn't do anything, Nick." Corey laughed.

Nick got up and walked over to the TV, he hit it once, then checked in the back at the wires to see if any fell out, "Nope. All here..." he sighed.

"Let's see if we can get it on any of our phones?" Jamie suggested and all of them pulled out their phones, none seemed to work.

"I'm going to try to call Matt, I hope he got to his girlfriend's alright..." Nick shrugged. He clicked his contact and heard the ringing-then the telephone women's voice told him he was unavailable, "shit. Their's is probably jammed too..."

"I hope he's alright." Julia sighed.

"The internet must've went out." Joey sighed angerly.

The lights shut off, they all screamed.

"shit. now the power." Joey groaned.

"get some flashlights!" Julia suggested.

"Nick, where do you keep them?" Jeff asked to the dark.

"The kitchen." They returned with 6 flashlights, some candles and matches.

After passing them all out to random people, some light finally came back into the room. It was almost six, so almost no light was coming from the small window anymore.

"Let's poke out and see if any of the neighbors have connection or power?" Lauren quickly suggested.

Everyone agreed, Nick and Dylan headed towards the door, but when Nick tried to open it, it wouldn't open.

"Guys... I think the door is stuck." Nick worried.

"No way." Brian said standing up and walking over and Dylan tried to pull it.

"Nick's right, I can't even open it..." Dylan sighed, exhausted from using all his might to open it.

"Come on guys, altogether." Brian motioned a "come here" with his hand.

All the boys stood up and held onto one-another, "Ready, on three." Dylan said holding the door handle, they all nodded, "Ready?" He took a quick breath, "One... Two... Three!"

They all tried to pull together with all their might, no budge on the door, "It's frozen shut." Jon sighed. They all let go and returned to their seats.

"What're we supposed to do now?" Rachel asked the group.

"The only thing we can..." Jeff started, "just sit here in the dark until we freeze to death." He laughed.

"We aren't outside." Rachel snapped at him.

"Well, we're just as bad off... without a working heater, it's going to be a very cold night." Jeff said to the group, everyone nodded.

"And try not to use your phone guys, we can't charge them." Densie shrugged.

"I'm guessing none of us are making it to our hotels?" Jon laughed, which they are joined into.

"We have all our stuff over there." Julia pointed to next to the door.

"We don't." Brian chuckled and pointed to Meredith and Moses, "Our bags are in our car."

"Sucks for you, then." Joey laughed.

"Well, it looks like this is actually turning into a sleepover!" Jamie laughed and everyone got excited and the room was filled with laughter.

"Great, one short night turned into all night." Nick mumbled under his breath.

The room seemed to be glowing with anticipation for the night, but after another hour, that glow would soon die and become choas.

A/N: happy new year! 2021 ! Crazy to think about right? I wish you a happy and safe one! <3

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