Chapter Twelve - Figuring it Out

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Lauren groaned to herself, why the fuck would Joey do that!? How did he figure it out!?

"Calm down, Lauren," Walker said still holding onto her, "I understand you're mad but you have to relax."

"I can't!" Lauren groaned then turned around in his arms to face him and whispered, "I don't understand how he figured it out... I never told anyone..."

"I don't know, but we should go talk to Dylan." Walker let go of her arms.

"Okay..." she sighed and walked down the hallway to see Dylan is Nick's master bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed, "Dylan? I'm sorry that happened-"

"Did you tell?" He asked quickly.

"No! I would never!" Lauren quickly shot back.

"Okay, good... how did he know!?" Dylan asked.

"We've been pondering the same question this whole time." Walker sighed.

"You've only known for the past three years... and how is it his most recent secret? If you didn't tell, and I didn't tell... would mere- no, she would never tell..."

"Maybe did any of you bring it up or talk about it in the last few hours?" Walker suggested.

Lauren and Dylan quickly looked at each other with their eyes popping out of their sockets, "that's it!" They said in unison.

"We talked about it before the Truth or Dare game-" Dylan started.

"I was just wondering if you were okay-"

"And he must've overheard!"

"Wow I was right..." Walker smiled to himself.

"And since no one knew, it was his most recent secret." Dylan thought out loud.

"Damn it, Joey..."

Dylan sighed, "At least, now we know how he found out... but why would he say it if it meant so much to us to keep it hidden?"

"Maybe he wanted to cause a scene?" Walker suggested.

"Why would he-"

"Knock, knock?" A head poked in, "is it alright if I come in here?"

"Honestly, we could use the space." Dylan sighed, "but I haven't chatted with you much. You're Jon, right?"

"In the flesh."

"You seem to show up wherever I am." Lauren giggled.

"Hey, I don't mean to follow you," Jon lightly chuckled, "I just wanted to check on Dylan, I overheard Meredith and Denise—"

"What did they say?" The other three said in unison, then looked intently at Jon after a collective laugh.

"Well... I hate to be passing things around but, they think you, Lauren, told," he quickly added, "—maybe!"

"Ugh, but I didn't!" Lauren rolled her eyes, "Walker you need to set it straight with everyone that Joey just overheard us."

"Why me?"

"—AND," Jon started again, "Lauren, Joey never cheated on you." Jon smiled.

"He-what!? No. No." Lauren scoffed, "He kept being so secretive and flirty with her, he thinks I didn't see, but I did. There is no way around it."

"Lauren, he just knew that—nevermind, uh-I'll let Denise explain."

"No, Jon." Lauren looked it him, "tell me. I need to know."

"Lauren, I know you do—"

"Then why don't you just tell me—"

"She already tried explaining it to you before—"

"I don't believe her, she tried to sabotage my relationship—"

"There is something else and it's something that is not my place to share." Jon sighed sadly and Lauren calmed herself, "I wish I knew what was going on when it first happened, but you need to have a conversation with Denise."

"Yeah, not a yelling fest." Walker added with a light chuckle.

After a long pause Lauren gave in, "Fine, but it doesn't mean I still trust Joey."

"Dylan, I think you and Meredith should talk." Jon added, "I know it's not my place either, but she's pretty hurt."

"No." Dylan said, they all looked questionably to him, "I need to talk to Brian first."

A/N: what a nice updating schedule I got going lol. How are you?
Sorry about the lack of posting, I haven't had much motivation to write this story BUT I'll try my best to keep it going :)
This is the last chapter I have so it may be a while till the next, sorry <3
(plus this was SUCH a short chapter, I'm sorry)
Anyway, Q of the day: have any fun summer plans?
My A: no not really haha
Alright, thanks for being the greatest people, have a great day!! Byeee and thanks for reading!

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