Chapter Five - Not Your Girl

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Mariah sighed and cuddled into Rob who she sat beside. After Jeff left the group, then Lauren and Joe heading off down the hall, the game of headbands started. Mariah started to laugh as people started to put the headbands on their heads, "what?" Rob laughed at her.

"L-look at Moses'!" She laughed and pointed over at him, Moses smiled at her, Rob laughed.

"The little things always did amuse you." He shook his head at his life-long friend.

"Hey, you're the one who made me this way." She smirked at him, "you introduced me to those 'little things'." She joked.


"Well..." she thought for a second, "Oh! Remember in high school when you'd wear those nasty Vans every day?"

Rob laughed, "oh yeah..."

"And you always said that the shoelaces were still nice, that's why you wore them." She laughed, "the little things, Rob, the little things." She gave him to friendly pats on the chest.

The little things... he thought to himself, like the way she lays on his chest, the way his heart rate speeds up each time she hugged him, the way her eyes shined in the sunlight, the way her beautiful smile brightened up the room when she laughed—

"Rob?" Mariah called to his dazed off mind, "Rob?" She spoke louder.

"Huh-sorry?" He snapped out and looked down at her.

"Here." She handed him the band with a laugh, he started to grab the card, but she pulled it away from him, "No! You can't look at it, you have to guess it." She laughed and set the card on his headband.

"Now I really want to know what it is." He laughed to her.

"You're going to have to guess." She shrugged with a small smile on her face.

"Well," Rob reaches for a card, just barely grabbing it, then sets it on her band, "now you have to, also." He smiled.

Mariah smiled and laughed to the ground as Moses ran over to their side.

"Hey, Rob, can I talk to you real quick?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course." He commented and started to get up.

"Thanks, Moses, you took away my pillow." Mariah laughed sarcastically.

"I'll be right back." Rob joked to Mariah as he started to walk to the door.

It had been quite loud in the house now, everyone was chatting over one another, so Moses knew he could keep his voice low and no one would hear him besides Rob.

"So, um-Rob?" He started.

"Yeah?" He weakly laughed.

"I wanted to ask you a favor." He tried to make it not as awkward as it was starting to be.

"Sure, anything." Rob smiled.

"Well... you're like best friends with Mariah, right?" He looked at him hopefully. Rob nodded as a quick reply, "Good, good..."

"Why?" Rob laughed.

"Well..." he tried to think of how to phrase it, "could you maybe be my wingman?" Moses quickly asked.

"I'm sorry, what?" Rob asked quickly, off guard.

"Well, you're her friend and I want to get to know her, maybe ask her out once we're-uh-well out of here" He lightly chuckled, "... I don't really know, but I know you're her friend." He smiled at him hopefully, "just talk me up a bit?"


"Please?" Moses asked sincerely.

After a moment of a quite pause Rob I enthusiastically replied, "Sure. I'll help you out." And forced a smile on his face, "yeah."

"Thanks, man!" He sighed, thankful and added a light chuckle, "You're a lifesaver."

"Don't mention it..." Rob tried to force out a laugh.

"Well, onward then!" Moses laughed and lead them back to the loud group.

Rob couldn't tell Moses, he just couldn't. He couldn't tell a soul that he had been crushing on his high school best friend for all these years. Back in high school, they were kids and still figuring themselves out, he found her beautiful and talented, but really only kept it at that. But now, after knowing her for so long and knowing who he was, he had developed more feelings for her in a romantic way every time they were together or went out together. It was always hard for him to express his feelings and now it was worse, he had to be a wingman for someone who was interested in his crush. He never thought he'd be in this type of situation before due to it sounding so movie-like or cliche, but here he was, as if he were in a Hallmark movie.

"What'd he need to talk to you about?" Mariah inquired once he sat back down next to her.

"About LA-" he started to make an excuse, but thankfully, Nick interrupted as he began to start their game of headbands.

"Let's get started! Corey?" Nick suggested, "how about you start?"

Rob sighed, thankful he didn't have to lie to his best friend as Corey started to asked questions of who he was.

"some type of stool or chair-?" He was getting from people's sharades.

"Corey, you're so close." Mariah laughed as he was starting to figure out that he was wheelchair.

"a- old people?" People's eyes widened, wanting to speed up his brain.

"if you're physically disabled you use a...?" Jamie tried to help.

"Walker? no- electric scooter-"

"NO!" they all yelled.


"YES!" they all laughed.

The games rounds moved on and Rob "tried" to help Moses out the best he could. Why is tried in quotes you ask? Because Rob was not very good at easing into it. Especially when he said to her, "Hey, how about Moses?" and she said, he'd be perfect... for Rob.

Rob was bi, but no matter his attraction to men when he was attracted to Mariah.

"No, for you, silly." He smirked at her.

"What?" Mariah almost sounded baffled by the idea, "Why?"

"You don't like him?" Rob asked.

"NO!" She quickly defended herslf, "He's great and all... but could you even see us together?" She asked him quietly and unsure.

No, "Yeah, totally, I'd be cute." He smiled.

She smiled at Rob, "You really think so?"

"Sure." He shrugged with a smile smile.

"I'll definitely go talk to him later then." She smiled, "Thanks Robbie." She pushed him lightly with a small laugh.

He laughed and leaned back up against the chair... did I really just wingman someone for my own crush? He thought to himself and looked over at the now eye-flirting couple, yep, I did.

A/N: Chapter dedication to Tomato_47 !! (W/ song of chapter) Thank you so much for reading all my books, replying to my conversations, and just being such a great person!! <33 thank you so much!!
I hope this chapter was enjoyable, it was one of the shorter ones and set up a different section of the story so yeaaaahhh :D
-stranger_starkid !

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