Chapter Six - The Way I Do

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"Uh-uh- Stick!? Tree!? Branch!?" A shock spiked through Joe Moses body, "STUMP!" He yelled.

"Yes!" The whole team exclaimed, followed by laughter as Moses stood up and took a walk of victory around the circle of people playing the game.

"I'm so good at this game." He laughed to Julia.

"Oh yeah." She laughed.

"Denise guess what you are." Brian encouraged the next person.

"Um..." she thought out loud, "you said it was an object, that it can be held, you use it every day..." she tries to connect the thoughts in her head, "do you use it around your face?"

Everyone nodded and some light replies of "yeah" filled the room.

"Is it a cell phone?" Inaudible "no"s and shakes of heads followed her comment, "do you use it to get ready in the morning?"

The excitement grew amongst the crowd, they knew she could guess it, she was really good at these types of games.

"Is it a makeup brush of a sort?" She questioned, they all shook their heads, "um... is it lipstick!?" they shook their heads again, leaning closer toward her, she was so close, "toothbrush? um-is it a-a um... a hairbrush!?" She guessed, unsure.

A roar of "yes"s and "she got it"s filled the room and they all cheered, then moved onto the next person.

"Am I a piece of clothing?"

"Meredith, you're really bad at this." Brain laughed. She lightly pushed him as a weak laugh escaped her lips.

"Um... am I also an object?" Everyone nodded, "Am I used frequently?" Everyone wasn't sure how to answer this one.

"Well... kinda." Dylan laughed.

"'Kinda'!?" She laughed, "I can't get anything out of that."

"Ask a more in-depth question." Dylan smiled at her, leaning forward, putting his elbows onto his knees.

"Fine," she smiled back at him, leaning towards him in the same position now, "do I-I don't know, do I have it on me all the time?"

"Then no." Dylan leaves back in his chair with a laugh.

"Then how do I use it frequently!?" She laughed giving up, then turning to Brian.

"I'll give you a hint—" Brian started

"No way! That's cheating!" Jamie laughed.

"You frequently use it only in your household." Brain tells her.

The gears start turning in her head, after a minute, she gives up, "ugh, I don't get your stupid riddle." She laughs at Brian.

"You got this Mere," Denise laughs, "just try your best."

"Um... I don't know... a couch?" Everyone laughs at her guess, "was I right?" She asks excitedly.

"No, no, you didn't." Brain says through laughs.

"Um... maybe I can help?" Dylan suggests.

"With 'kinda' again, because that helped real well last time." Meredith laughs sarcastically.

"You got me, Mere." He smirks.

"Can someone just help her? We got like 4 more people to keep guessing before the rounds over." Rachel laughed, she hadn't been playing, but watched the group laugh and guess.

"Okay, fine, here's a hint that will help you get it." Dylan starts, leaning forward again, "it's dark out—"

"What's this have to do—"

"Just listen, Mere." Dylan stops her interruption, "it's dark out and you're returning home from, let's say, the store." He pauses, "what's the first thing you do?"

"I turn on the light." She shrugs.

"Exactly." Dylan smiles and leans back into his chair again. Everyone nods, now understanding, but Meredith.

"What am I?" She asks, "a light switch!?" She tries to guess.

"No, no, the first word is right but not the second—"

"Lamp light?" She tries to think, "uh... light, light..."

"What's a light switch turn on?" Dylan asked her.

"OH!" She exclaims finally knowing what it is, "LAMP!"


"LIGHTBULB! I'm a lightbulb! Right?" She sounds proud of herself, even through all the hints and cheats she was given.

"That's it, you got it." Dylan laughed, which everyone joined into.

Dylan smirked at Meredith, and she replied with a shy smile before turning back towards Brian who helped her take off the card on her forehead band.

They continued to play, everyone sat with a card and band on their head trying to figure out who they were, for the 4th time. Everyone was there, well, everyone besides Lauren and Joe, then Jeff who still sat in the kitchen after walking out after the silence. Joey walked out of the game, then back in after a round and sat quietly on the couch, Jon had gotten up to go check on Jeff, or so they thought, until Joe called him over to help.

The people just playing were getting quite tired of the game, but insisted on 5 rounds.

"I need some water." Rachel sighed and stood up, "anyone else?"

A few people agreed, so she counted them up and told them she'd be back with those waters.

"Hey Rach," Corey pulled her aside real fast, "be easy on Jeff."


"Rachel." Corey sternly said.

She sighed, "Yeah... okay." She have a small smile before heading into the kitchen to see a man, sitting up against the counter-top like a child playing hide-n-seek.

A/N: This week's chapter dedication is to Ava_2810 with the song "Not Alone" from avpm !! Thank you for reading my story and supporting my work :))
Woooaaahhh did y'all expect a Meredith/Dylan side of this fic!? Prob not but you're welcome!
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! <3
I'm sorry I don't update very regularly but I still hope you like the story so far!

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