Chapter Ten - What The Hell Happened?

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"Well that was—"

"Something?" Mariah cut Rob off with a sigh, "I know..."

"I was going to say 'unexpected' but yeah that works." Rob smirked. Mariah smiled lightly at him, and after a moment, he spoke again, "Meredith and Dylan don't even looked like they had previously dated..."

"Well, you've been friends with them longer than I have," Mariah chuckled, "you're not very observant."

"Guess not." He shrugged with a light chuckle. A moment of silence passed before Rob quietly spoke to Mariah, "what do you feel about it?"

"What?" Mariah looked at him, "what do you mean?"

"What do you feel about what just happened?" She looked at him, confused, "Do you think friends could date other... friends?" He said uneasily, hoping for a certain answer.

"Well..." Mariah sighed, "I-I guess?" She sat up from laying on Rob, "I mean, imagine if we dated after years of being best friends..."

"Oh." He said quietly as Mariah kept talking.

"It would change us, right? We wouldn't be the same as we were before..." she looked at Rob, "Not that it would be a bad thing," she added quickly, "it's just, different..." she shrugged. Another moment passed of silence, "What about you?"

"Huh?" Rob looked at her, "what about me?" She lightly chuckled.

"What's your opinion on it?"

"Friends to lovers?" She nodded, "well... I think, well, I don't think it would be bad..." He paused, then quickly added, "going off the same example, you and me... I think it would kinda make sense... I'd be easier because I know everything about you," He looked into Mariah's eyes, "I know your likes and dislikes, and I know how to take care of you..." he looked away, "making your significant other your best friend is huge in a relationship... I guess already having the 'best friend' part down seems simple enough." He looked back at Mariah who had a small smile on her face.

"That's adorable and well put..." Mariah lightly giggled, "I agree then." She smiled at Rob, "I change my answer."

Another moment of silence passed between them, just smiling at each other until Mariah broke the stare, "Oh, I better go talk to Moses now." She lighting giggled, "um- I'll be right back." She smiled and got up.

"Okay..." Rob said quietly to himself, a little saddened. He had forgotten he had told Mariah that her and Moses would be cute together. He regretted that after the moment they had just shared.

"Mariah- Hi." Moses started, "How are you?"

"I'm fine-great actually, considering the circumstances... how about you?"

"Doing well knowing you're alright." He smiled to her, she smiled pulling a piece of hair behind her ear.

Mariah started to chat with him about his experience with the group as she shared her one year of knowledge. She ended up sitting on the floor which he joined in, they sat there together now just chatting, but on the other side of the circle, Robert watched, saddened that he had even pushed them together. That could've been him, but it wasn't because he was too much of a chicken to tell her. To tell her she had changed his life, to tell her he cared so much for her, to tell her the three simple words, "I love you."

"What?" Jon looked at Rob quickly.

"Huh—" Rob looked at him.

"You just quietly said 'I love you' to yourself?" He asked like a statement.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," Rob snapped out of his thoughts and tried for an excuse, "I was thinking a show we did a couple years ago... Twisted... how Dylan and Meredith were- well-"

"Oh, yes... everything that just happened, yes..." Jon quickly said, he completely regretted bringing up the situation to Rob.

Rob gave him a small smile before turning away back towards Joe and Mariah who were getting quite cozy.

He sighed to himself, still love you...

A/N: omg!! I haven't posted in so long I'm so sorry!! I've been so busy that completely forgot! I don't think I'll be posting this next month, but I hope to return to posting in June! I'm so sorry! And this chapter is like SUPER short so I hope you all I guess enjoyed(?) it(?) hahaha anyway, I hope you all are alright! Stay safe!
-stranger_starkid <3

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