Chapter #20

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A/N: Here we go again guys! 🤭

There's something I wanted to share with you guys first before we move on.... Just a quick short story of what I'm experiencing lol.

So a few months ago I got a message and email from this online writing website, Sofanovel, and I've been given a chance to get paid for writing... So yeah, that's great! 😁 😭

And I'm also currently writing a different short story there, so yeah please check it out. It's called Sinful/Sinless it'll be ending on September 30th so let's see how it goes.

I wanna know what you guys think in general or if you have any advice for me. Thanks. ♥

So that's that, let's move...

Aurora's Pov

Seth's fingers were around my wrist and I couldn't feel his cold touch like I did last time anymore, probably because my blood was running way colder than his.

A few movements and turns led us to a small group of students surrounding something, the dead body, I assumed.

She lay at an awkward angle, facing up, her eyes indeed lifeless and empty as they stared into nothing and everything at the same time.

Her skin color was pale, like Seth's, but also somehow paler now, maybe because she was dead.... Again.

Her Raven-Black hair was splayed about, probably scattered because of the fall.

Her brown eyes said nothing, saw nothing, they were just a deep, now lifeless shade of cinnamon that revealed nothing.

Her neck however, told a different story as it held a ghastly open cut, with blood that came pooling around her head and drenching the the tips of her hair to a now maroon-ish colour. The same bloody cuts and gashes could be seen covering different areas of her body... Her sleeveless elbows, her exposed thighs, her upper chest, all in the same fashion.

I felt queasier and queasier as my eyes began to take in the detail of the blood. The redness, the paleness, the stale-iron smell, the slow progress it made as it spread in every unpredictable direction made me shake uncontrollably and take as many steps back as possible.

However, Seth's hand was on my back before I could even make two steps. My terrified eyes soon met his slightly less terrified ones. I couldn't find words in all my fear.

"I...B-B-Blood." I muttered.

Dylan's unmistakable voice soon came into the background, but I could hardly pay attention to it.

"Get back, Everyone!" He yelled and the crowd began backing away as he bent over the body and began inspecting up and down. He then took out his phone and dialed a series of numbers before walking back to us.

"One of yours?" He sent a pointed look towards Seth, who just nodded slowly, probably still reeling.

"Rachel.... Roy." He managed to mutter, her name probably.

"Well she's dead." Dylan concluded. "But I don't think it was from those cuts all over her body."

Cuts... Blood... Too much....

My stomach lurched and I truly felt like my knees would buckle at any moment now.

Dylan, as if just acknowledging my presence now, noticed almost instantly and turned back to Seth.

"What is she doing here??" He exclaimed and took a hold of my arm and swung it over his rigid shoulders before I finally gave in to my weakness.

"She can't be anywhere near.... That!" He pointed towards the body as he began to lead me to God-knows-where, by now my vision was blurring and my heart was rocketing. I was about passing out.

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