Chapter 1

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Its been 7 years since the death of Master Qui-Gon Jinn to the first Sith Lord in a thousand years with the apprentice of the late Qui-Gon, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi tasked with training the chosen one Anakin Skywalker, who will bring balance to the force and destroy the sith.

But it wasn't that simple due to Anakin being trained very late for Jedi standards which lead to Anakin gaining attachments and hold resentment against the Jedi for not saving his Mother from slavery.

One day at the Jedi Temple Obi-Wan goes to Jedi Grandmaster Yoda for guidance.

"What help can I be of Obi-Wan?" The Short Grandmaster asked.

"Anakin has been...difficult as of lately, he has not been following Orders and basing his actions on his emotions and rage which Is only growing by the day..even in visions I see it" Obi-Wan tels his experience and visions of Anakin to the wise Grandmaster.

 "..Careful you must be with Young Skywalker..Anger leads to hate and hate leads to the darkside" Yoda tells Obi-Wan.

"Is there anything I can do Master Yoda?" Obi-Wan asked

".. know a place, I do where Young Skywalker can be guided to harness his skills and let go of his hatred but long it will be.." Yoda thinks.

"What is it?" Obi-Wan asked.

Some time later...

Padawan Anakin Skywalker walks in as he has been summoned by the Jedi council standing up with Obi-Wan while discussing 

"What brings me here my Masters" Anakin asked.

" Young Skywalker, to harness your skills and to better yourself as a Jedi the council has decided to put you on a solo mission on a far away planet named Earth where you will await instructions from us" Jedi Master Mace Windu says.

Anakin smiled thinking this will be his time to prove himself as a Jedi and get the respect he deserved from them, he will be a Jedi Knight in no time.

"Thank you Master" Anakin bows before leaving.

Some time later Anakin flew to the small planet called "Earth" being given supplies, a fake citizenship card and a recorded message showing what he must do.

'This cant be that bad right?' Anakin thinks to himself.

Anakin's ship lands down on the planet putting it in the forest so it wouldn't be found.

He walks around the world that is Japan, It was certainly weird as this civilization was very primitive in space travel with Anakin not seeing a single spaceship.

Anakin took this time to go to the towns local Library to study this civilization.

He learned about these things called "Quirks" Which manifested many years ago and gives the users different abilities from size growth, Telaportation, fire breathe and so much more.

He later exits the library and gets his apartments by using his credits which was turned into his worlds currency beforehand, Anakin thinks its similar in size and feel to his personal room back at the Jedi temple.

Anakin places the recorded message down and lets it play with a message from Obi-Wan talking.

"Anakin, This task may not be to your liking but I promise you that at the end you will fully realise the meaning of this training as Me, Master Yoda and the rest of the Jedi council have decided to send you here to go to a Hero school named U.A. which will help you reach new heights in your training" The message from Obi-Wan ended with Anakin left in confusion.

"The entire point of me being here is to put me in a school?!" Anakin said in anger.

Back at Coruscant, Chancellor Palpatine is mad that the Jedi have gotten in his plans to influence Anakin closer to the dark side and he isn't just going to let them get away with it.

In secret the chancellor disappears and the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious is revealed scheming with his new apprentice Count Dooku in ways to influence Young Skywalker..

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