Chapter 2

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Some time has passed with Anakin researching more and more about Society, Heroes and how everything works on Earth.

Anakin awaited for the entrance exams for the school he was supposed to go to called U.A. 

Anakin walked to the gates of U.A. apparently no outside weapons allowed so he wouldn't be able to use his lightsaber in this exam but the force is strong enough to get him through.

 First he took the written exam which was fairly easy as he was already considered very smart when he was just a 9 year old slave on Tatooine.

After the Written exam comes the physical one.

Anakin is among other potential students who look around his age.

Among these students was a short frail green hair boy, A brunette with permanent blush and a boy with blue hair and glasses.

"As it says in the application requirements, you listeners will be conducting ten-minute mock urban battles after this! Three different types of faux villains are stationed in each battle centre. You earn points for each of them based on their level of difficulty. Your goal, dear listeners, is to use your Quirks to earn points by immobilising the faux villains"said the Pro Hero Present Mic.

The screen then presented the points system which small robots will give you small among of points and the bigger you destroy the more points you get.

"Right, let's start!" Present Mic said suddenly stating the exam with everyone mostly off guard but Anakin went right away alongside everyone else except the green haired boy.

Anakin grew up watching pod races so he was always on guard when events like pod races and other events of such began.

"Get moving! There are no countdowns in real battles! Run run run listeners! You're wasting airtime here!" Present Mic yelled

These robots where nothing for Anakin as he went on countless missions with Obi-Wan fighting B1 battle droids.

Anakin used the force to his enhance his physical attributes and punched right through the droid.

He then used the force to crush the droids completely destroying them easily.

This test was very easy for Anakin to say the least.

That was until a massive robot appeared overshadowing everything else 

'Now this a challenge!' Anakin thought with a big grin before charging right in at the robot.

The giant tried attacking Anakin but Anakin grabbed its attack with the force and threw the attack right back the robot making it fall back a bit but it persisted with attacking Anakin.

Then out of nowhere the green haired boy came it punching the robot destroying it shocking Anakin with his power.

He then sees the boy falling so he breaks his fall using the force grabbing him, He is in pretty bad shape with that broken arm 'hopefully I wont have an injury like this' Anakin thought to himself.

After the entrance exams when Anakin was leaving he was stopped by the boy.

"Hey wait!" The boy yelled catching Anakin's attention.

"Oh your that green haired boy, How is the arm?" Anakin asked.

"Its alright..Recovery Girl said it should be back to normal in no time...OH ANYWAY I want to thank you for saving me back there...What is your name?" The Smaller boy asked.

"Its Anakin, Anakin Skywalker" Anakin said.

"Thank you Skywalker-San, Im Izuku Midoriya" Midoriya introduced himself.

Some time later in Anakins apartment while meditating he was interrupted by a knock on the door which made the surrounding objects Anakin was levitating with the force fall to the floor.

Anakin opened the door to see a mail man.

"Is this Anakin..Skiiwalker"The Mailman said misreading Anakin's name.

"Erh..Yeah that's me,Thank you" Anakin gets given the letter and closes the door opening the letter.

"I AM HERE as a projection" A Video of All Might played.

"Congratulation's Young Skywalker you passed the written exam and the practical exam gaining 52 villain points and 20 rescue points, That's the most in the entire exam! You passed, come Young Skywalker this is your hero Acadamia" All Might extended his hand at the camera as the video ended.

Anakin smiled knowing this is his first step in proving himself to the Jedi council. 

The Jedi Hero (A Star wars and My Hero Academia crossover)Where stories live. Discover now