Chapter 7

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When everyone was getting ready for the cavalry race a purple haired Student walked up to Anakin.

"Hey" The Purple haired boy said.

"Erm..Hi?" Anakin said.

"Gotcha" The Boy said triumphantly.

"....Got what?" Anakin asked confused

"W-What? Why isn't it working?" The Purple haired boy said confused.

"Are you trying to mind trick me?" Anakin asked.

"..Erm....yeah" Shinso confesses after his quirk failed which gives Anakin an idea.

"You will walk away and mind your own business" Anakin moved his hands.

"I will walk away and mind my own business"  Says the mind tricked Shinso which made Anakin chuckle.

Afterwards Izuku walked up to Anakin.

"Skywalker, Will you be part of my team?" Midoriya asked.

"Yeah sure I could use someone familiar be my teammate" Anakin accepted.

Team Midoriya consists of Midoriya,Anakin,Mei and Uraraka.

"NOW LETS GO" yelled Present Mic and Midnight said "Start!" all teams began attacking and defending from eachother mostly all going to attack Midoriya and Skywalkers crew due to Midoriya having the most points in the entire sports festival.

Izuku used the jet boots to fly and dodge attacks but when Urarakas foot was stuck by one of Minetas balls but Anakin used the force to rip off the ball from her legs making Team Midoriya regain their mobility.

"DEKU!" Bakugo yelled coming for Midoriyas directly.

"Not on my watch!" Anakin for a split second let go of his team to perform a force push so powerful it sent Bakugo flying but Bakugo was luckily catched by his team.

Next Todoroki's team tried getting Midoriyas headband with the big 30 mill on it with Iida using his quirk to try and grab onto his headband but he was stopped by Anakin holding onto IIdas hand.

"Nice try, but im not letting you take Midoriyas headband" Anakin said before force pushing Todoroki's team away.

The cavalry race had ended with Team Midoriya coming out ontop with the next part of the sports festival being a tournament.

After some rounds its was Anakin's turn and he was up against Momo Yaoyorozu.

When they both entered the ring Momo made two staffs and threw one to Anakin.

"Why did you give me this?" Anakin asked Momo.

"I saw your dueling abilities back at the USJ and I want to prove myself useful by beating you on equal grounds with only our skills.

"Sure ill accept" Anakin agreed.

 The two engage in battle using their skills with a weapon with Anakin being alot more aggressive in his fighting style making Momo on the defensive almost the whole time.

"Skywalker seems very aggressive" Midoriya thinks from the stands.

"His entire fighting style seems to focus on pure offence not giving him opponents a chance to breathe which will take up alot of his opponents stamina" Iida thought as Anakin fought Momo.

Anakin had managed to push her too the ledge where she fell but at the last moment Anakin grabbed onto her.

"You did great, Ill like to train with you sometimes" Anakin compliments.

"Yes Thank you, I wish to greater strengthen my skills" Momo thanks Anakin before leaving the ring.


Since Anakin beat Momo his next opponent would be the loud blonde Katuski Bakugo.

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