Chapter 8

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The Time for Bakugo vs Skywalker had come with the two entering the ring.

Although the two dont act like it they have something in common and its that they both want to prove themselves and be on the top for Bakugo that would be being the number one hero while for Anakin it would be becoming a Jedi Master and get the respect he truly deserves from the council.

"Katuski Bakugo, The powerful explosion quirk user from Class 1A Versus Anakin Skywalker, the master of weaponry also from Class 1A" Present Mic introduced them as they stared at eachother.

"NOW LET THE MATCH BEGIN!" Present Mic yelled.

Bakugo came flying in using his explosions to propel himself towards Anakin but Anakin was faster and dodged out of the way before grabbing onto Bakugos hand to slam him into the ground creating a crater.

Bakugo got up from the ground and fired a blast at Anakin who used the force to stop the blast in its tracks but Bakugo wasn't done yet as he came in for a kick sending Anakin to the floor.

"I win!" Bakugo said with a blast in his hands he threw down at Anakin who in time was able to stop the blast and push the blast up into the air also hitting Bakugo in the process.

They both got up off the ground but Anakin jump kicked Bakugo to the ground and got up and did a force push sending Bakugo flying to the edge of the ring.

"Im not going out so easily!" Bakugo yelled using his explosions to propel himself safely back in the ring.

Meanwhile at the stands.

"I dont think Bakugo can win this one, Skywalker is much more skilled in combat and his quirk is a complete counter to Bakugos so if he anyway of beating Skywalker it would have to be through outsmarting" Momo explains.

back to the fight Bakugo once again propelled himself towards Skywalker but at the last second he changed direction and landed to the right of Anakin who turned to meet Bakugo in the face but Bakugo already had an explosion in his hands to hit Anakin with sending him flying.

Anakin got up from the ground realising the broken pieces of the ring around and used that to his advantage.

He used the force to levitate all the broken pieces of ring at Bakugo who tried destroying him but got quickly overwhelmed by the large amount being thrown at him.

"Its over!" Anakin said before force pushing Bakugo out of the ring.


"I....Lost" To Bakugo it was like his whole life was a lie as he was embarrassed infront of thousands of people by losing to some random guy with a shitty pony tail.

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