Chapter 9

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Anakins next opponent was Shoto Todoroki, They both have fought before but not a full power.

Shoto had just fought a drawdropping match against Izuku Midoriya while Anakin fought and humiliated the self proclaimed top dog of Class 1A, Katsuki Bakugo.

Now this match will decide the pecking order for Class 1A.

"BEGIN!" Present Mic starts the match with Todoroki throwing a wave of Ice at Anakin who stops it from hitting him with a force push which makes the ice crack apart.

"Your little ice trick wont work on me Todoroki" Anakin remarks.

"Gr" Todoroki then smashes the floor and turns the entire ring into a ice ring.

"Woah!" Anakin tried standing still in the slipperly ice but then saw Todoroki come towards him for a punch but he dodged out of the way in time even despite being on slipperly floor.

"You like to throw Ice at me dont you? Its only nice if I return the favour" Anakin then grips his hand as the ice on the floor started levitating up and made a bolder of ice to throw at Todoroki.

Todoroki reacted in time making a giant Ice shield.

"I saw your fight against Midoriya and you showed off your fire, Why not against me? Im also holding back aswell and if you dont stop holding back, you will lose" Anakin remarks.

"hm.." Shoto turns to his father in the crowd giving him a stare and turning back in disgust.

"Fine..but this is for me" Todoroki said in disgust as he activated his fire.

"There it is, That thrill and determination I saw your fight in Midoriya. That means I can stop holding back too" Anakin said as he levitaed a small block of ice the size of his arm to himself alongside making a small branch of ice to use as a weapon.

Todoroki starts using his flames to fire large blast of fire at Anakin who manages to dodge them all while running towards Todoroki but one of Todorokis blast managed to catch Anakin off guard.

"Scrap!" Anakin quickly reacted uses his Ice shield to protect himself from the blast with the heat destroying the Ice shield while running through the flames.

Todoroki stopped firing as he saw Anakin get too close to him and dodged right in time to stop Anakin from hitting him by ducking.

Shoto tried going in for an uppercut but underestimates Anakins abilities as he dodges right in time to deliver a punch to the face stunning Todoroki for some seconds.

"Heh..thanks for going all out but im winning this HA!" Anakin pants before releasing a giant force push that sends Todoroki out.

"SHOTO TODOROKI IS OUT OF BOUNDS, WHICH MAKES ANAKIN SKYWALKER THE WINNER OF THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!!" Present Mic yells as does the audiance after witnessing such a fight.

Anakin walks down to Shoto to help him up.

"You alright?" Anakin asked.

"Yeah..Im fine.." Todoroki says looking away and made Anakin curious to what is wrong with Shoto.

"..I can feel your anger towards your father" Anakin said which shocked Shoto.

"Huh? How do you know that!" Shoto says confused.

"I can sense it within you, feelings of being exploited for someone elses gain and accomplishments. I know that feeling" Anakin says remembering his time of being exploited as a slave with his Mother.

Shoto looks back at Anakin before leaving to get ready for the ceremony at the end of the sports festival.

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