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After whispering out Eren's name through his trembling lips he let go of the sunflowers between his legs as he reached up for the taller man's neck with both hands.
Eren saw the frown from the corner of his eyes on the man's face as he closed the space between them and circled his arms around him. He pulled him close until their bare chests were touching.
Eren stood there with his eyes wide looking straight towards nowhere. His fingers relaxed around the paint brush as it stumbled down and hit the floor.
Levi laid his head down on Eren's shoulder and at that he felt two pair of arms wrap around his bare waist and pull him possibly closer.
"Eren will you go out with me?" He let himself speak before even processing the thought. Eren's hand stroking his tailbone  stopped and laid flat on his back as he pulled away enough to see the shorter man's face.
"I'm really not into this thing and I- I really don't know how this works I never really dated anyone I don't think you want that with me." Levi frowned again as he started stroking Eren's cheek as he stopped shaking his head in disagreement.
"If you don't like me I am okay with it. Which I doubt that's the case." Eren shook his head again as he pulled his hands away from Levi and leaned back on the wall behind him focusing his gaze to the ground which made the shorter man pull his hand away from his cheek.
"It's clearly not that, you are a very handsome man Levi if anything, any man and woman would give anything for just a date with you but-
"I guess I'm just not your type, maybe I assumed wrong maybe you like women so I am sorry for-
Levi paused as he stepped down from the table making Eren's eyes go wide, Eren was still walking around with his shirt open, showing off his beautiful toned abs.
Levi started to dress quickly putting on his shirt and jeans he grabbed his coat and and walked towards the door.
Eren hurried towards him and grabbed his wrist to stop him.
"Levi! Would you just hear me out!" But he snatched his hand away and walked towards Mikasa's desk.
"No I understand you don't have to explain and make yourself feel guilty that you don't feel the same! I'm sorry for assuming the wrong thing and please don't come after me now." He mumbled quickly and Mikasa quickly handed him his paycheck and looked between Eren and Levi in confusion with an eyebrow lifted up.
This might just be the end of our story...
Eren thought.

When he walked back to the room he saw the unfinished painting of Levi sitting there. He finished it with every last bit of his own memory and hung it in the balcony to dry then he decided to leave.
He told Mikasa to cancel any other appointment he had and decided to walk the whole way home.
He thought for a moment how Levi came into his life in an instant as he blinked.
Then he thought how in a blink of an eye he lost him to a misunderstanding.
Then again he was accustomed to losing people on his journey.
He stopped, his foot dragging the floor as he hesitated. He turned back towards Mikasa and spoke.
"Do you happen to have Levi Ackerman's number?" She thought for a moment her eyes darting towards the floor.
"I think it must be in the recent calls on the phone." Eren nodded and walked towards her desk to see Mikasa searching through the recent calls.
"I think this must be it! It's the exact time he called for the necklace yesterday." Eren nodded and typed it down quickly.
"Thanks." Mikasa nodded towards him and with that he left. He was wearing a simple white button up shirt with blue jeans and the weather seemed to be getting cold.
So on the way he walked into a restaurant to get something to eat.
He felt hungry, he just didn't realize it while he was painting and spending time with Levi, he barely had time to eat anything in the morning.

By the time he left the restaurant the golden hour effect was covering the whole NYC.
He suddenly remembered his next tour to Paris. It was due to next week. He really hoped to be able to see Levi one last time. But how?
Could he go back and explain?
He sat on a bench, not wanting to pause to check his phone in the middle of a rushing crowd.
When he sat down he pulled out his phone and stared at the number. Ok here I go...
He thought.

With trembling hands he started to type:

"Hey, Levi , it's Eren
I just wanted to see you again and say sorry for the misunderstanding, if you'd agree I wanna meet up and properly talk to you about it, please!"

He looked at his phone as the message delivered.
It was quickly read and he felt his heart skip a beat.
He looked up to the pale sky. The sun was already down and the sky was ready to cry for the night.

"Hey, Levi? Who's that?You probably got the wrong number, it's Ymir!"

The text came. Oh Ymir. The girl she drew four days ago. He felt himself relax for a moment. Then he started typing again.

"Oh sorry, wrong number"

Ymir saw it but didn't respond anymore. So he assumed his apology was accepted. Then he called Mikasa again.
After a few beeps she answered.

"Hey Mikasa, the number was Ymir's can you check for any other number that could be Levi's?"
He said quickly, not giving himself time to breathe.
"Yeah I will look through it again and text you."

Eren's leg was now moving up and down in anticipation while he watched the crowd go by.
In no time a few droplets of rain hit his face. He looked up and saw the gray clouds pooling the whole sky.
His phone vibrated in his hand making him look down.
The number was there in front of him.
He looked at it for a second and ran a hand through his hair and bun. Then decided to call this time instead.

He tapped on the screen for call. Then there it was, the beeps filled his ears for a few seconds that felt like an eternity. And there it was again! The voice he yearned to hear again the entire evening.

"Hey who's this?" Eren swallowed and smiled and started to talk into the phone.
"Hey Levi, it's me Eren" he assumed Levi's eyes were widening behind the phone when he replied.
"Uh where did you get my number?" Eren couldn't help himself and let a smirk make it's way to his face.
"Mikasa, reception desk?"
"Hm I see, what do you want?"
"To see you, again , We need to talk!"
To his surprise Levi replied with something he didn't know he could hear so easily.
"Yeah, we do. Wanna come over?" Eren's impatient shaking leg stopped and his eyes widened. He looked at the sky that was almost ready to start pouring then at his clothes.
"I mean... sure, I'll take a cab , send me the address?"
Levi immediately hung up. Eren waited for a moment shocked about the point that he hung up so quickly to send the address.
The rain was pouring down by now, the streets were a lot emptier. The phone vibrated and when he saw the address he was ready to run.
Levi's house wasn't anywhere far, on a street 5 blocks away. So he quickly got up and held his shoulder bag close to him as he ran.

///Hi so here's chapter 3, what do you think will happen next?
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