Payne In The Arse (1)

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Dylan’s P.O.V

I wake up in the morning to snoring. Oh Maddie, how you annoy me! I look around. Jaycie was still sleeping too. Great, first one up, AS ALWAYS! Now wait… what’s going on again? God I hated this. Why do I always loose my memory right when I wake up and it comes back AFTER someone tells me what’s happening….

Oh yeah!!! I remember! The man I will SHANK WITH A SPOON is making ME date LIAM PAYNE. Wooptie doo? “How much longer.” I complain to the limo driver. “10 minutes.” He says boringly. “HEY!!!” I hear someone say in my ear. I almost scream. “I hate you Jaycie!!” I say while she laughs on the ground.  “Love ya to.”  She says hugging me. I just roll my eyes…. But laugh to.

There’s a screech, which wakes little Maddie up. “We’re here!!!” The driver says. God, why does Simon always have to get such cheery limo drivers?! I mean SERIOUSLY! I take out my phone.

@FireBall_3: Meeting him in person for the first time! Be excited!!!! ~Dylan

I put my phone back in my pocket and then hop out of the limo. I grab my luggage and we knock on the door. Liam opens the door. “Oh hey girls!! Come on in!!” He says. Oh great, he’s like that limo driver, SO CHEERY!!!! I mean really, I don’t mind cheery but when someone’s ALWAYS cheery… I will shank them with a spoon. 

We walk inside and….wow…. It was a pretty nice place!!! “I’m Liam, That’s Niall, That’s Harry, That’s Zayn, and that’s Louis.” Liam says pointing to every single one of the 4 boys.  “I’m Madison, That’s Jaycie, and that’s Dylan.” Maddie says pointing to us. I give a fake smile.  Liam smiles back. But I could tell it was fake. What does HE have against ME?! I sigh silently.

Liam shows us our rooms and we all un-pack. I shut my door and lay down on my bed. I then realized, I forgot to put a little something on my bed!!! I put on my duvet with a picture of a certain little baby on it. Her name’s Amber. She’s special becau- Wait, why am I explaining this to you?! Find out YOURSELF.

There’s a knock on the door. I make sure the duvet is flipped over so it’s just plain black. “Come in!” I say.  It was Liam. “Hey Dylan! I just wanted to, you know, learn about you and stuff!!” He says happily. He shuts the door. “Sure, what do you wanna learn about me?” I ask. He laughs. “I don’t want to learn about you at all idiot. I just want to let you know that I’m doing this for Simon. I don’t think you’re pretty and I don’t love you. Keep that in mind before you go thinking that you’re actually in a REAL relationship with Liam James Payne.” He whispers harshly. “Well it was nice talking to you! I hope I can learn more later!!” He says walking out of my room.

What was HIS deal. And yeah, like I would EVER want to be in a relationship with THAT! E TO THE W!!!


God Liam!!! Stop being such a 'Payne In The Arse'. OMG LOL SEE WHAT I DID THERE!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!

Yeah....... i have no friends


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