Stupid Hate! (9)

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*2 months later*

Dylan’s P.O.V

“I’m going to go get you a little present, ok?” Louis says to me. “kk.” I say. He kisses my cheek then walks away. I get on twitter. And sees so many hate tweets…




Fat slut!

That slut is just dating @Louis_Tomlinson for fame!!!

I hope she kills herself!!!!!!

@DylanChasie shouldn’t be alive!! @Louis_Tomlinson should burn her with @ZaynMalik1D’s cig’s!!!!

I slam my laptop shut. I slip on my black boots and put on my hat. I take out a peace of scrap paper and a pencil.

Dear Boobear,

I went to cat mountain, don’t come looking for me. And whatever you do, DON’T CHECK YOUR TWITTER!!!!!!!!!!!!



I run outside and go to Cat mountain. You’re probably wondering. Why is it called cat mountain??? In the summer, there’s a field in front of this hill and thousands of cats are in it. But cat hill sounded boring so we called it cat mountain.

Louis’ P.O.V

I walk into Dylan’s room and see a note. 

Dear Boobear,

I went to cat mountain, don’t come looking for me. And whatever you do, DON’T CHECK YOUR TWITTER!!!!!!!!!!!!



I open her laptop and see all the hate tweets. I sigh and walk to cat mountain. I see her sitting there and he body moving up and down, as she silently sobs. I take out my phone and take a picture. 

@Louis_Tomlinson: You see this? Dylan hasn’t left this spot for ages!! Hating her will not make me love you anymore!! It hurts me to see her like this. Please stop hating on her!! 


“Dylan.” I say. Her head spins around and sees me. I sit next to her. “Dylan, listen to me. Don’t listen to them. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And look at your life. You have a awesome boyfriend, you’re a beautiful 19, almost 20 year old girl, and you’re 3 months pregnant with a baby boy.” I tell her. She giggles.  “Get on.” I say. She hops on my back and I carry her back to our flat.

“Now, time for the present.” I tell her. I take a box out of my pocket and open it up to show her a ring with the infinity sign on it. “Dylan Marie Chase, I promise you we’ll never brake up.  To prove it, please, take this promise ring.” I say. “Of course I’ll take it Boo.” She says. I take it out of the box and slip it on her ring finger. “I love you.” She says. “I love you too.” I tell her. I kiss her, then we go to bed.

I’m so lucky to have her.


I love their relationship so much!!! #LylanChomlinson!!!!!!!!

Yep, you heard it with your own ears!!! SHES HAVIN A BOY!!!!!


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