Rainchecks and Boyfriend Tags (5)

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Dylan’s P.O.V

*A few days later*

“Hey LiLi, what time are we going to leave?” I ask Liam as I put in my first earring. Liam was taking me to Rozitos, one of the fanciest restaurants ever! “Babe I am SUPER sorry but I have to take a rain check. Is that ok?” He asks me. “Oh…. Uh, yeah babe, that’s cool.” I say. “Thanks for understanding!!” He says. He gives me a kiss on the cheek then is out the door. 

I go back to my bedroom and takeoff my shoes and take out my earring. I change into short blue pj shorts and a white spaghetti strap tank top. I sit down on my bed and open up my laptop and get on twitter.

@DylanChasie: Plans for Rozitos canceled…. rain check again I guess…. :’(

I sigh and shut my laptop. “Everything alright love?” I hear someone say. I look up and see Louis standing at the door. I shake my head. He walks over to me. “Tell me what’s wrong.” He says putting an arm around my shoulder. “Liam and I were supposed to go to Rozitos….” I say. “Another rain check?” Louis asks. I nod my head. “I don’t get why he has to be such a pain in the arse though!!!” I say. “I know love, but he’s probably just really busy.” Louis tells me. “Yeah…” I say.

We sit there in silence for a while… minutes later we hear a cough from the door. We look up and Louis takes his arm off from around me. “Louis.” Liam says. Louis gets up and leaves.

Liam’s P.O.V

“Louis.” I say. Louis gets up and leaves. I shut Dylan’s door. “Would you care to explain?” I ask her. “Explain what?” She asks. “Don’t be a Blondie Dylan, you know what.” I say. “No I don’t!” She says. “Why you where lip to lip with Louis!!!” I say raising my voice. “I was not!!!” She yells standing up. “Then what were you doing?!” I yell. “He was comforting me because you decided to be a pain in the arse and take another rain check!!!” She screams. “Yeah right!!!!” I say. “UGH!” She screams and stomps away.

Dylan’s P.O.V

“UGH!” I scream and stomp away. I come back. “This is my room.” I say calmly. “So?” Liam asks. “OUT!!!!” I scream pointing to the door. He walks out, but slaps my arse on the way out. I slam my door and flop down on my bed. I get out my camcorder to make a new vlog. Yes, I have a you tube channel. 

“Hey guys! So Liam took another rain check today…. We were supposed to go to Rozitos.” I tell my camcorder. “And I probably look like a mess… We just had a HUGE fight about something….” I say. There’s a knock at my door. “Come in inless your Liam!” I yell. Louis walks in and sits down next to me. “Omg look who’s here guys!!! It’s my boobear!” I say poking Lou’s cheek. “Hey guys.” He says waving to my camera. “So what are we talking about?” He asks me. “The big fight… Hey, you tell them about it. I’ll be right back.” I say. I get up and leave.

Louis’ P.O.V

“Well the fight was… loud.” I say. “I feel really bad for them I mean… their such a cute couple but lately… Liam’s been a pain in the arse.” I tell the camera. 

Dylan’s P.O.V

I walk into Liam’s room. “Are we still on for tomorrow for the picnic?” I ask him. “Yeah babe… I’m really sorry. I over reacted and I need to stop taking rain checks.” He tells me. “It’s fine… Hey, wanna do a video with me?!” I ask excitedly. “Let me guess, I do my boyfriends makeup tag?” He asks. “Yep yep!” I say. I grab his hand and we walk back into my room. “Liam and I made up guys!” I say to the camera. “And guess what, we’re gonna do a I do my boyfriends makeup tag!!” I say. I take my camera and put it on my desk. “I’ll leave you guys alone.” Louis says walking out and shutting the door.

I take out all my makeup. “Hey guys so we’re doing the I do my boyfriends makeup tag so I’m really excited to turn him from my boyfriend into my girlfriend.” I say.  Liam laughs. “So I’m going to skip most of it so we’re going to start off with eyeliner.” I say. “Oh joy.” He says. “Ok, I want you to look up and whatever you do do NOT blink.” I tell him. He look up as I tell him to and I line the inside of his bottom lid. “Ok you can blink now.” I tell him. He blinks and then I do the other eye. I do upper lids and then take out bright blue eye shadow. “Now it’s time for some hot pink mixed with red lipstick.” I say, “Oh god no.” He says and I giggle. I put on red lipstick then hot pink. I next put on pretty bright pink blush. “Well this is what he looks like!” I say showing the camera. I hand him a mirror. “I hate you.” He says. “I love you to.” I say. He leans in and kisses me, making my lips the exact same color as his. “Ugh! Liam!” I say while giggling. “Bye bro ski’s and sis ski’s!!!!” I say and then turn off my camera. I take a washcloth and wipe off all the makeup.

“Well I’m going to bed now.” I say.  “Alright night babe.” He says kissing me. He leaves and a fall asleep.

Please no more rain checks!!!!


Well atleast their still a 'happy' couple!!!!!! But seriously Liam, STOP BEING A PAYNE IN ARSE!!!!!!!!


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