I haven't changed!!! (7)

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*1 week later*

Dylan’s P.O.V

“BAPPY HIRTHDAY!!!!!!” I hear 7 voices yell. I open my eyes. “Go away.” I mumble. “But it’s your birthday!!!!!!!” Jaycie says. “Go away or I’ll  get a manwhore to superman all 7 of you!” I say. They all scatter out of my bedroom but Liam. “Liam I gotta get dressed, out.” I says. “I’d rather stay.” He tells me. “Little pervert.” I say poking him in the chest.  “I’ll just wait here, promise.” He says. I sigh. “Fine.” I say, I grab my clothes and get in the shower.

Once I’m out I do all that good stuff with my hair and makeup. I put on my black leggings and white crop top. I put my put my contacts in then walk out. “Babe, can I talk to you about something?” He asks me. “Sure LiLi, what is it?” I ask sitting on the bed. “You’re not the same girl you were when we first met…” Liam tells me. “And you’re not the same guy.” I say. “No Dylan…. You’re starting to dress differently and you’re starting to become one of the guys. I can’t date one of the guys.” He tells me. 

“Wait, are you breaking up with me?!” I ask. “No! No Dylan…. I just want to tell you that your changing.” He says. “I’m not changing Liam. I’m still the same Dylan Marie Chase you met a month ago.” I tell him. “no you aren’t Dyl… Trust me.” He gets up and leaves. I just shake it off. I haven’t changed!!! 

I walk downstairs. “What movie do you want to watch Dyl?” Louis asks me. “Toy Story 3!” I say. I sit down next to Liam as Louis puts in the movie. 

When the movie ends, Jaycie pulls me into another room. “Dylan.” She says. “What’s up J?” I ask, “You’re starting to change and I don’t like it.” She tells me.  “OM GOSH!!! No I’m not!” I say. I run up to my room and sit on my bed. 

“I’m not changing, I’m Not Changing, I’m not changing…” I think.  Liam walks in and shuts the door. “Dylan just wake up and realize it!!! You’re 19 now and you’re changing!” Liam says. “No I’m not Liam!!! Yes, I’ve changed my clothing style! But I haven’t changed in any other way!” I yell. “Yes you have Dylan!!! Your whole personality has changed!!!!!” He yells at me. “No it hasn’t!!!!!!!” I scream. 

He swings at me. I duck of course. “OUT!” I scream. He stomps out, slamming the door behind him. 



Liammmmmmmmmm stop being a payne in the arseeeee!!!


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