Superman's and Dolphin Tale's (6)

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I wake up in the morning and hop in the shower. Once out of the shower, I blow dry my hair, do my makeup, brush my hair, and put it in a messy bun.  I put on my glasses and walk into my closet. I put on some short jean shorts and a black belly shirt tank top. I put on my jean jacket then walk downstairs. “You have a belly button piercing?!” Liam says. “Yep, sense I was 16!” I say.  I slip on my shoes and Liam and I walk out the door.

Liam takes my hand with his free one while the other one carries our picnic basket.  We get to the hill and lay down the sheet. “So do you write any songs yourself?” Liam asks me while setting the stuff out. “I do write songs but their all solo songs so we don’t use them.” I tell him. We start eating. 

When we finish, we pack up the things and go to the fair. We ride the faris wheel a few times then walk home. “I’m getting in the shower.” Liam says and goes upstairs. I sit on the couch with the rest of the boys, Jaycie, and Maddie. “Dyl, explain to them what a superman is.” Jaycie says. “Oh geeze.” I say.

“Alright, so a superman is where a guy c***’s on a girls back when she is sleeping, then puts the sheets on her back, so that when she wakes up the sheets are stuck on her back.” I tell them. The boys laugh. “Tell em what a dolphin tale is!!!!” Maddie says. “Alright, a dolphin tale is when the man lays behind a woman with her legs closed and ***** her from behind. Then slides it out and slips it in her a**hole unexpectedly. Then, she goes ‘eh eh, eh eh.’ making her sound like a dolphin.” I say. Harry actually falls on the floor laughing. 

Liam comes walking downstairs. “I’m gonna go change.” I say. “Explain to him what superman and dolphin tale is!!!” Jaycie says to someone. “No don’t! You guys are going to scare him. He’s going to think I actually do this stuff!” I say laughing as I walk upstairs. 

Oh god, I should not have told them what those mean!!!!!


Very short chapter, i know, but omg, i got all of that from Jersey Shore.... Man i watch way to much of that!!!!!


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