Chapter 31

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Violet took a bath and combed her hair, putting in each hairpin with deliberate slowness to stall for time to think about how she would exactly thank Lord Simon.

She dismissed her maid who was coaxing Violet into making her coiffure, because Violet wanted to think and then act. 

She didn't want to embarrass herself yet once again especially by tripping on her words like a fool.

She drew in a long breath. She could do this.

Violet looked at herself. She looked rather fetching in her morning yellow dress, which Albert had purchased for her from Devon.

As she walked toward the door, it opened in her face, and the butler begged his apology in a string of haste.

"So sorry, Miss Violet. I beg for your forgiveness!"

Violet smiled "It's alright."

"Er...Miss, a letter arrived for you today in the morning. Thought I shouldn't disturb you, so.."

Saying this the butler handed over the violet envelope.

"Thank you" Violet gulped and smiled.

As the butler bowed and left, Violet closed the door and sighed.



Violet could feel her face flush with ire. She felt all emotions swirl in her throat and somehow her gut twisted and ached with a longing to tear the letter to bits and throw it away.

But some part of her hushed her anger and doused it with the water of anticipation.

She opened the letter and straightened it in her hands, widening her eyes so as to keep her tears at bay.

She truly felt like crying. It had hurt her a lot yesterday.

Violet quietly went and sat on her bed, as the sun rays filtered in through her window and lit the letter beautifully. The rays somehow rippled and flowed amidst words, settling at the creases.

She silently read the letter, as the quietude in the room filled her ears and enveloped her heart in a blanket of warmth.

Violet FELT like the most beautiful woman in the world.

His words somehow curved the flesh of her soul into little bundles of sheer bliss and for a minute second, she wanted to fly, open her hair and hug herself.

She wanted to run across a field, with bare legs and happiness in her heart.

She did not know why she felt anew in the space of a second. It was just that his words somehow made her feel clean and lovable and promised her of bright innocence.

She did not know what he looked like, and hell, she did not want to find out anytime soon until he himself presented him to her.

The anonymous man, she felt had no face, no body, but a big big heart heavy with love for her.

And she just felt so special and so wonderful, that no words that existed in any time or space could explain that giddy feeling of falling in love.

She wanted to know the reason behind his anonymity but for a split second, Violet knew that she could wait. 

She WANTED to wait.

Her prince perfect loved her. What else could she need?

She slowly folded the letter and kept it in her desk drawer.

For the next half hour, she wrote her letter and slid it in her envelope. She didn't feel like double checking her words, because she simply had written what came to her heart.

She had felt her quilt swaying and swinging along the paper, and the ink spilling out of it effortlessly.

Gosh. Was this what love did to people?

Violet took her envelope and walked to the mirror. She looked highly flushed, and she felt TRANSFORMED.

She blushed again and wet her lips. The smile on her face widened. 

Focus, she reminded herself. She had yet to go and visit Lord Simon and thank him.

He'd literally slipped from her mind for a few moments.

She shook her head, tucked the letter in her reticule, donned her bonnet, wore her gloves and straightened her dress once again.

Violet made her way to the Ambient Garden, dropping her letter behind the rose bush which rested at the corner of the garden. She'd done this so many times now that it felt like practice.

A practice that she'd happily do for the rest of her life if it kept her close to anonymous.

She felt like a fool in love, but she couldn't help it.

As she almost walked out of the garden, Violet nearly thought of staying back and hiding behind the tree to see who'd come and pick the letter.

But her heart didn't allow her to do so.

The anonymous man had just asked for patience from her side.

Couldn't she give him that satisfaction at least?

Violet tapped her forehead lightly and walked out of the garden, heading toward Lord Simon's home.

Huh, it felt like a long day indeed.

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