Chapter 1: A Bargaining Piece

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A/N: Hey. So there's some romance in this chapter...kind of. It's like, one sided romance, so there's nothing that would be inappropriate for children or anything like that *if you know what I mean*. It will seem like the romance comes out of nowhere, but it will be explained later, I promise. And Im sorry if this chapter sucks! Thanks for reading and please comment/vote/follow me! Dedicated to @fantasydancer because she followed me...and is the only other person I know on here who likes The Silmarillion (see, I told you yuor fanfic was better than mine)!

I sat down on the ground beside Feanor, careful not to disturb his thoughts. His long, raven-colored hair was braided in the usual elf style, and his deep blue eyes glinted with some emotion that I coouldn't discern before he closed them. I sighed.

"Feanor," I began, "you need to do something. Your people are becoming restless." Without opening his eyes, he responded, "I know. But I do not know how to help them. I fear I might have made mistake, Luinil."

"What?" I questioned, slightly shocked by his words. The Feanor I knew never doubted himself. He was always headstrong and stubborn, fiercely loyal to his family and ready avenge his father Finwe's death. He sighed again.

"Morgoth is too strong. I'm afraid there is nothing that we can do to stop him. We don't have a strong enough force, and we don't have a bargaining piece. I need those Silmarils, and I have no way to get them. And look at what I've done. I've led a whole host of Noldor away from our homes, and I don't know what to do, Luinil. I fear I am leading them to their deaths."

I nodded, but inside, my head was buzzing. Ever since I could remember, I had been best friends with Feanor. We'd played together as children and had always gotten along. He had a fiery spirit that complimented my shyness well. Yet, I had never told him my secret. I'd never told anyone my secret. No one knew why I didn't have any parents the day I showed up there, alone and frightened, and I didn't want to tell them. It hadn't seemed real at the time. There were multiple occasions on which I wanted to tell Feanor the truth, the reason I was so quiet and drawn in, but that wanting decreased when he was married. We no longer spent as much time together, and we began to grow apart. I didn't always agree with his decisions and thought he was becoming greedy and power hungry, spreading lies about the Valar.

After he was banished, people told me to forget about him. He was a bad influence on my life, and I didn't need that. But when the time of his departure to Middle Earth came, I knew that I had to go with him. I had no family; he was all I had, since no one had wanted to take me in, even when he was banished and I spent my days alone. Since his wife did not agree to come, we spent many hours together on the journey and became close again.

His words bounced around in my head: "We don't have a bargaining piece." He did have a bargaining piece, but he was not aware. He had me. Me, with my pitch-black hair, dull orange eyes, and milky-white skin. I practically radiated darkness, and every Noldor noticed. They didn't trust me. Feanor was the first to welcome me and enjoy my presence. But not even he had imagined in his wildest dreams that I was a bargaining piece. Maybe he would've if he'd known my story...but it didn't matter; he would find out soon enough.

My mother was an elf. She had beautiful, golden hair and eyes the color of the sky on a clear day, and she was as kind and loving as anyone could wish. I watched her die. Melkor, my father, stabbed her right in front of my eyes when I was still a small child. Yes, that was my secret: I was Melkor's daughter.

It was almost like Feanor could read my thoughts; he looked at me with a sad sort of smile and asked, "So...why do you look like that?"

My eyes focused on the ground, I said softly, "I'm not telling you. You've already asked me. I'm not telling."

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