Chapter 3: The Darkness

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A/N: Yay. New chapter. So...I attempted to make a cast for this story, but that's extremely hard. Just...see for yourself.  As always, please comment with suggestions, questions, or praise (though I don't think I'll be getting a lot of that for this chapter :/ ) I would like to point out that this ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE A LOVE STORY. Yes, it contains romance, but that's not what it's about. Keep that in mind :) And look at the cool picture in the media section. 

And so, without further ado (ado? Is that really how you spell it? It looks so weird.... ;P), I present to you...this chapter!

It bothered me that Feanor didn't stop me from hurting Caranthir. True, Caranthir wasn't his favorite, but I could've killed him. I would have too, had we been in a more secluded area.

As soon as I thought that, I regretted it. I was not a killer...was I? No; I couldn't be. Not like Melkor and his servants. Not like Sauron.

As a child, I never found Sauron as frightening as Melkor. I don't know why. Maybe it was the fact that he didn't always wear black. He didn't yell. He seemed to have at least a little respect for Nana, and he didn't betray her. Yes, Sauron knew of my existence. He would visit us frequently, and every time he would tell Nana, "Do not fear; it is good that you had a child. Now my lord has an heir, someone to carry on his legacy in case accident."

In time I would come to realize that he never meant a word of that, but I was only a child, and I didn't understand that there was evil everywhere. The only time Sauron actually scared me is when Nana mentioned him serving me.

"She may be part Vala, the daughter of Melkor himself, but I was promised something, elf. I was promised by my lord Melkor power, and I will not be denied it."

I remember running to hide underneath the bed, cowering while Sauron raged at her. I'd neve seen my "uncle" so violent.

My thoughts were interrupted by a gentle tap on my shoulder. Turning, my eyes fell on a little elfling. Her eyes were wide and she looked scared.

"Luinil," she whispered, "what did you do?"

I looked at her with surprise. Where had she even come from? I bent down and put my arm on her shoulder, staring into her dark eyes.

"Estel, what are you doing here?" I asked, trying to smile, but she only backed up and threw off my hand. "What did you do?"

"Nothing, Estel. I didn't do anything." Now I was sure my smile looked like grimace.

"Why did you hurt Lord Caranthir?" she muttered. I moved closer to her again.

"Did you not see? He lied about me. He hurt me, he ruined my..." I paused.

"Ruined your what?" she urged. curious... "Luinil?" Understanding seemed to dawn in her eyes. "Luinil, do you love Lord Feanor?"

Laughing softly, I stood up. The conversation was making me uncomfortable. "How could that be? You saw the whole thing, didn't you? I didn't kiss him."

Estel cocked her head to the side and looked up into my eyes, something that very few people even attempted. "But Luinil...Nana always told me that love is doing what's best for the other person. Lord Feanor is married. If you had kissed him, that wouldn't have been real love. Because that's not what's best for him."

At that moment, something in my head seemed to click. And I realized that she was right, and I wouldn't be abe to just let him go. I'd spent practically my whole life with him, and now that our friendship was coming to an end...well, I couldn't just let that happen.

Estel grinned up at the shocked expression on my face. "I knew you would get it," she whispered. With that, I turned at ran as fast as I could to Feanor's tent.

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