Chapter 1

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Khun's Pov

   Sunlight had just began to trickle through the window panes and curtains, weighing down on my eyes. I had been awake for some time now, maybe about two hours now, dreading the moment I had to haul myself out of bed.

   My limbs were still weak and ached, my mind bouncing off the walls. My body was still out cold. I guess last night had taken a toll..

   I tried to sink deeper into the mattress, tightening my loose grip on my comforter. I should probably get up now that the sun had just barely started to rise. Fuck this stupid bullshit.. I groaned as I tried to shimmy out of bed, but pain just resonated in every single part of my body. I feel like fucking hell..

   I attempted to swing my feet over to the side of my bed, and as gently as I could, place them to the ground. But it didn't matter how gentle I was, agony shot up my feet, bolting all the way out my legs and thighs. I continued to push myself of my bed, my knuckles turning white in my clenched fists.

   He's such a fucking ass. He could have at least considered I had school the next day. Today's just going to be a rollercoaster! ..I now fucking hate rollercoasters.

   I groaned as I wobbled across the cold wooden flooring, reaching the metal door handle. I just barely placed my palm on the handle, shakingly pushing up the door as far as I could to prevent any noise. If I made any noise, someone would wake up. And that would be a disastrous catastrophe.

   I peeked out my door, scanning the empty hallway. Silence echoed throughout the house, not a light to be seen or a noise to be heard. Perfect.

    I tip toed through the silent hallway, not daring to make a single sound. I snuck into the bathroom, flicking on the switch. I hissed at the bright light, attempting to hide my eyes. I forgot how bright the light was.. Ugh. Once my eyes had adjusted, I peered into the mirror.

And as much as I felt like hell, I looked like it.

  In the wide mirror all I could see were dull cobalt eyes with incredible dark bags hanging below them staring right back at me. I looked lifeless, my bedhead spiking up in various places. And placed on both cheeks were red slap marks, purple and green patches forming besides the crimson marks. It looked liked I walked out of a gang fight..

   I sighed, rubbing at my temples. I could already feel a oncoming headache as well. What else does today have to throw at me? I wish a fucking nuke. I sighed, lowering my self to the freezing tiled floor with a soft thud. I peered down at my fragile bandaged feet.. Time to clean them.

   I had to throw on messy bandages last night because I was a fucking idiot and while trying to escape the wrath of the blood thirsty beast. I dashed across a broken glass bottle he had tried to throw at me. I guess I'm not far off from the rest of the dumbasses..

   I reached for the sliver handles, swinging open the cabinets that laid underneath the sink. I may have been a dumbass, but thankfully I'm still the smartest out of them. After the beast's first  special treatment, I had loosened a wooden tile on the bottom of the cabinet, under it revealing all of my goodies.

   And no, not drugs. A first aid kit and some makeup. If father knew about it, he would probably slap me and take them away. And right now, I really don't need that. Whatsoever.

  I flipped up the loosened tile, snatching my small box. I placed the box on the ground, displaying all of the contents on the ground. Foundation, setting powder, concealer, and bandages, gauze pads, ointment, and band-aids.

   I peered down at my loose bandages, slowly peeling them of. I winced at each subtle contact, it fucking hurt. It didn't matter how many times he hit me, it still left a scar. Mentally and sometimes physically. It never just stop as much as I would cry and plead. It just wasn't going to stop hurting.

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