Chapter Seven - Vampires Actually Make Really Bad Guards. Who Knew?

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Chapter Seven

Kaname knocked on the door to the headmaster’s office then walked in without waiting for an answer. Kaien looked up from his desk when Kaname entered.

“I’ve been expecting you,” Kaien remarked, pushing his glasses up on his nose. He slid back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. “I’m honestly surprised you didn’t come earlier, especially after the incident in town.”

Kaname walked toward Kaien’s desk. “I was letting you think I had forgotten.”

Kaien chuckled lightly. “Yes, that would be like you, wouldn’t it?”

“I’m putting a guard on Rosaline,” Kaname said. “I thought you should know.” He turned and walked back out the door.

Kaname was walking back toward the class the vampires used when he heard quick, light footsteps running up the stairs in front of him. He heard an exclamation of his name before Rosaline came flying into his arms. Shocked, Kaname wrapped his arms around her instinctively. Rosaline’s arms were wrapped tightly around his neck and her face was buried in his shoulder. Then Kaname heard another pair of footsteps as Zero ran up the stairs and around the corner.

When Zero saw Kaname holding Rosaline, he stopped abruptly. “The nurse gave her nettlesting, then she fell out of a tree,” Zero stated.

Kaname nodded. He gently rested his hand on Rosaline’s temple and a soft purple glow emanated around it. He glanced up at Zero. “She won’t remember the last two hours. I’ll put her to bed.” Zero’s fist clenched, but he nodded.

Kaname turned and walked back the way he had come, to Rosaline’s room. He quietly opened the door and walked in. The room was surprisingly bare; there was just a bed, a nightstand and a small clothes chest. There weren’t any pictures or anything on the bare walls, like the room was barely lived in. Kaname gently lowered Rosaline onto the bed and covered her with the light blanket. He looked back at her once before he left.


            Sunlight filtered in through Rosaline’s window and she heard the birds chirping outside when she woke up. She looked around. How had she gotten here? The last thing she remembered was waiting for Zero so they could patrol. What had she done in the missing hours? Rosaline rubbed the sleep from her eyes and threw back the blanket. That was another thing, Rosaline didn’t usually sleep with a blanket. They made her uncomfortable, like they were going to wrap around her neck and choke her.

            Rosaline got up and stretched. She noticed that she was still fully clothed in her uniform. What had happened last night that she couldn’t remember? She had a feeling that it was something strange.

            Just then, a knock came from the other side of her door. Rosaline walked over to open it and saw Yuki standing in the doorway. She had her books in her arms. “You’re still here?” she asked incredulously. “It’s almost time for class to start!”

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