Chapter Twelve - I'm sorry, I'm Such a Liar

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Rosaline stood in a snow covered garden. Everywhere she looked, everything was white. A small movement caught Rosaline’s eye by the edge of the garden and she turned her head. A small girl was hiding between the hedge and a bunch of bushes. The gap was small, but even so, Rosaline could clearly see her dark hair, purple cloak and mittens.

            Then the crunch of snow under boots took Rosaline’s attention from the girl. She looked across the garden and saw a young boy dressed in a black greatcoat with a black and gold scarf wrapped around his neck. He was walking through the snow, searching for something. He was looking under bushes and behind trees.

            The boy turned so that Rosaline could see his face. She was startled to see that it was Kaname. Why would Kaname be here? Rosaline didn’t understand it at all. Was this some new way of Sara’s to torture her?

            Then Rosaline watched as Kaname started walking in the direction of the girl’s hiding place. The girl heard him coming and fidgeted a bit, turning her head. Rosaline was shocked to find herself staring into her own face. What in the seven hells was going on?

            Suddenly, the younger Rosaline darted out from her hiding place and through the gardens toward the large manor. Then she fell face first in the snow about a hundred yards away from where she started.

            I remember this, Rosaline thought. I tripped in a hole…the gardener, he hadn’t had a chance to fill it in before the snow came.

            “Rosaria!” Kaname called and rushed over to where Rosaline laid in the snow. “Rosaria, are you alright?” he asked breathlessly, kneeling next to her.

            That’s right, Rosaline thought. My name was…Rosaria. Rosaria Hikari. The thoughts that were floating through Rosaline’s mind were hard to grasp and easily slipped away from her. It was like trying to find one certain thing in a sea of thick fog.

            I remember I sprained my ankle and Mother told me I couldn’t play outside with Kaname for a few days. I was so upset and then Sara offered to play with Kaname instead, but he refused her. Oh, she was so angry, I think she tried to burn my hair off while I was asleep. Rosaline thought to herself with a small smile. I couldn’t believe it when Kaname walked into the library and offered to read Shakespeare to me. I remember I was particularly fond of the play “As You Like It,” and Kaname liked Sonnet 86.

            Then for some reason, Rosaline found herself suddenly staring at another memory. It was a wedding and she and Kaname were both several years older. Rosaline’s sister, Sara, was standing at the altar with another man that Rosaline vaguely recognized.

            That’s Hakiru Shiganshina, Sara’s husband,” Rosaline remembered.

            Even though she was wearing a beautiful dress and was getting married, Sara looked anything but the blushing bride. Her face was pale and she was staring forlornly at her feet, while Hakiru stood, staring at the priest. He didn’t seem to care that he was getting married; he looked like he’d rather be anywhere else.

            Then Kaname leaned over and whispered in Rosaria’s ear, “Soon, we’ll be up there, albeit much happier, and then we can be together forever.”

            “Are you sure, Kaname? Are you certain you want to be married to me?” Rosaria asked anxiously.

            Kaname caressed her face. “I love you, Rosie. You’re the only thing in this world I truly care about.”

            Once more, the memory changed and Rosaline was standing in the snow outside a manor. She watched as she got dragged away, kicking and screaming, by Sara and her husband.

         Kaname was fighting his way through the lesser vampires and subjugates that Sara and Hakiru had bent to their will.

            Rosaria screamed Kaname’s name as he disappeared under a mass of writhing vampires.

            Then the scene changed slightly. Rosaline watched as she was tied to a tree and Hakiru took a bag out of his coat pocket. He opened it and started pouring a powdery grey mass out of it. Ashes.

            He said they were the ashes of my mother,” Rosaline thought. He said it was in case anyone tried to look into it too much and that my mother and I smelled almost identical. I remember he ripped up parts of my dress and sifted them into the ashes to cement the possibility of my death. And then they locked me up in Sara’s basement. I was there for hundreds of years. I got daily reports about Kaname and how he was looking for me. It gave me hope until the day Sara came down to see me. She was smiling from ear to ear. She said that Kaname had died. He just laid down one day and refused to get up. He gave up. A single tear rolled down Rosalind’s face. Then I gave up too.

(A/N - I'm sorry, I lied. This chapter's not any longer. I'm such a horrible author, and apparently habitual liar. Ugh.)

(P.S. - If anyone has any television show or movie or book they would like a fanfiction about, I'm open for ideas!)

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