1 - Announcement

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Nick POV

God I loved my bed. It was the one spot where I could try and erase the rest of the world from my head. I could lay on my memory foam mattress and disappear into my navy blue sheets, just me myself and I. Well, only when my roommate, Chase, wasn't in the room. And trust me when I say that that was almost never. I swear to god it's like the dude was allergic to the damn light or something. I rolled over and grabbed my phone from my box-shaped nightstand. I opened it and  the harsh light hurt my eyes, causing me to squint. It also probably didn't help the terrible headache I had from the amount I drank last night. I wouldn't say I'm an alcoholic, because that's what you would call some middle aged man who's wife is concerned for him. I'm just a kid who enjoys drinking, so what? I noticed a few text messages in my notifications, so I rolled back over to grab my glasses, so I could actually read the damn things.

Hype House group chat !!!🤙💕

Thomas: Hey could y'all come down to the living room? I have some news...

Kouvr: Thomas Petrou I swear to god it's like 8am let me sleep.

Ryland: Kouvr, it's like noon. Calm the hell down.

Thomas: Now get your asses down here!

Me: Be right there.

I set my feet down on the floor and stood up slowly, trying my best to not get too dizzy. I think I need some Advil. Or just more alcohol. That usually helps. I walked to the other side of the room to wake Chase up. I just shook him lightly so he could get up. As I started walking towards our bathroom I quickly let him know to check his phone, just because I was too tired to explain all of it. I dragged myself into our bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. God was I an exhausted mess. I may have slept in until noon, but I don't think I actually went to bed until the sun was up. Most of my mornings (or in this case afternoons) started off like this. I went into my drawer and took out my makeup bag and grabbed my concealer, applying it to the dark circles under my eyes. It definitely wasn't out of the ordinary for the boys in the house to wear makeup. When we make tik toks, the ring light can sometimes wash us out and make us look pale, so we've all gotten pretty good at the basic skin makeup stuff. I finish up with some powder, because Kouvr usually told me to, and went back into my room. I grabbed some white shorts and a turquoise short-sleeved button up. I turned around to look into my full-length mirror. I cleaned up pretty good even though I felt like shit inside. I heard Kouvr and Thomas yell from downstairs so I quickly found a matching turquoise ball cap to cover my disgusting knotted hair. I ran down the stairs and head straight into the living room, obviously being the last one to show up. I guess I'll just have to wait until after to get some Advil. Thomas started talking, way too loud for my head.

"Okay so I have some really good news everyone! We have two new members who will be joining us! They're also gonna be living here! They're two brothers who are former competition dancers, Ondreaz and Tony Lopez. They're gonna be getting here in a few hours, so I'll go pick them up at the airport then and anyone else who wants to come with can! Okay that's it."

I immediately turned around to go to the kitchen and grab some Advil and a glass of water, while mostly everyone stayed on the couch, talking and sharing tik toks of these brothers. Once I had my necessities I sat on the marble countertop, almost chugging my water. I heard a soft chuckle as my best friend, Ryland, walked into the room.

"Damn. I thought I was thirsty. Y'know what I mean..." He laughed pretty hard at his stupid dirty humour. I swear sometimes he thought he was Adam Sandler or some shit.

"Yea yea I get it Ry." We both chuckled for a minute until he sat down next to me on the chilly surface. He finally broke the silence, even though I wasn't minding it for a change.

"So, how are you feeling after last night? You went pretty hard. Now that I think about it, you've started drinking more than usual lately. Is everything alright?" He looked into my eyes, staring into my soul. Ryland was pretty much my brother at this point. I know he would be there for me if I told him everything, but I really didn't wanna be a burden. I quickly came up with some bullshit excuse.

"I'm fine, I promise. But when you start bringing all these different drinks, you can't expect me to not try them. I mean, you do all the time." I put my best smile on for him, even though it hurt to smile at this point.

"Alright bro. But you can always talk to me if something is wrong." He gave me a reassuring look, the one he always gave me. I was used to it, but it was still refreshing to see once in a while.

"Yea I know." I said as he jumped off the counter, grabbing the snack he initially came in here for. He left, heading up the stairs to probably go annoy Alex and Calvin. I decided to look up these brothers on tik tok, just to know what we were getting ourselves into. I searched Tony's first, mainly because that was easier to spell than Ondreaz. I started scrolling through and I was really impressed. Like no shit he was a competition dancer, his videos are awesome. Maybe he could teach me how to properly do the dances.


Hey everyone welcome to my first book! I'm beyond excited to share this story with you all, and I hope you enjoy!

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