3 - Flashback

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Hey guys! As I said before, this scene is gonna be a flashback in Nicks life. This scene is heavily inspired by the rooftop scene with Elton and Bernie in Rocketman. Watch it up top!!
Chapter 3
Nicks POV
We sat in the restaurant booth talking about stuff for hours. Ryland and I were with our small group of friends, just having another one of our nights out. It was nights like these that made me forget about my past, all because they reminded me how awesome my future is gonna be. Tonight was the last night before Ryland and I would move to LA, starting our new life. I needed to tell them something before I left, though.
"So, guys, I have a girlfriend." Ryland gave me an approving look, showing he was proud of me and happy for me. Just as I felt like my lie was sufficient, my 'friend' Nate started to speak up.
"Aren't you gay?" I looked him dead in the eyes. I couldn't believe he would say that. Him and I had made out a few times, but it was never serious. And yeah, I would say that I am gay, but I didn't need Ryland to know that. Ryland looked at me, slightly concerned.
"Nicky...are you?" I had no idea what to say. Would he even accept me? Would I finally have to tell him the real reason to why my parents kicked me out? I did but also didn't want the answers to these questions.
"I-I think so. Would it matter if I was Ry?" I begged and pleaded in my head for him to just accept me with open arms. But knowing my odds, he probably wouldn't.
"No. Not to me." Ryland said. I felt like I could finally breathe again. I don't know why I ever doubted Ryland. He was my best friend, and as long as I had him, I knew I'd be alright. Ryland could see how much I was trembling right now, so he just grabbed my hand, helping to ground me.
"I think we're gonna head home just to chill before tomorrow. You ready, Nicky?"
"Yea yea I'm good. Bye everyone." We said goodbye to our friends and were ready to head home.

Nobody's POV
The two boys made their way to their apartment and climbed up to the roof. It was their favourite spot to sit and just talk about life.
"Dude. We're about to move to LA. We're gonna be living in probably the coolest city in the world. It's like, destiny, or some shit." Nick chuckled softly at the rambling of his friend.
"Yea but who knows if it's even gonna last. I bet most people are gonna hate me there anyways." Ryland shook his head and stared at his friend. He knew that everybody in LA would love Nick. He just wished that he could see it in himself too.
"Nick! Everyone is gonna love you! You're nice and hilarious and shit hot!! You're gonna thrive there, I know it." Nick couldn't help but smile at his best friend. Ryland was the only person in the world who could make him smile like this, and Nick was fully incapable of imagining someone who would love him as much as Ryland did.
"But, I just don't know if I'm really what they're looking for. I feel like they're just taking me because they want you." Nick said. Ryland looked at Nick with sadness. All he wanted was for his friend to be himself and be proud of who he is. It broke him to see Nick like this.
"Nicky, it's time for you to show the world who you are, and how awesome you are." Ryland almost whispered to Nick. However, Nick could hear him loud and clear. Nick was never one to act on impulse, but his friends words must have sparked something in him. He slowly leaned in, staring at Ryland's lips. Ryland could tell what Nick was trying to do, so he slowly leaned away.
"I love you Nicky, I do. Just, not in that way." Nick looked away from Ryland, scared to just look him in the eyes again. But Ryland put his hand on his friends leg, letting him know that everything would be alright. He would never leave. The boys looked at each other and smiled. From this point, they became inseparable, being the brother that neither of them ever had.

The next chapter will be going back to the present time in the story :)

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