7 - Coming out pt. 2

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Nick's POV
This morning I woke up much earlier than I usually do, considering it's still morning. Chase was still fast asleep on his bed, so I had to move quietly to not wake him. Once I stood up, I grabbed my glasses, threw on a hoodie, and then made my way to the kitchen. I regretted not listening to Kouvr and taking the damn Advil, since my headache was pretty bad this morning. I decided to take a minute and just look around me. There was no one. No tik toks being made, no vlogs being shot, no people having fun. It was just me. Something about the silence was comforting, yet sad at the same time. I wished that someday I could do this with someone. Waking up in their arms, making a pot of coffee for us, watching the sunrise together in a comfortable silence. But I guess I had to do that alone for now. I made myself some peppermint tea and went to sit by the pool, alone. I sat and began reading a book, alone. I was watching the sunrise, alo-
"Hey! What are you doing up so early?" I heard someone say. I didn't want to turn around because I didn't want the confirmation that it was him. But I did. And as I suspected, it was none other than Tony Lopez.
"Just, uh, watching the sunrise." I said to him. By this point, he was sitting on the end of my pool chair, admiring the sunrise just as I was doing moments ago. But now, I was just admiring him.
"Nick, can we talk about yesterday?" He asked. I just nodded slowly.
"Listen I'm just so sorry for making you feel the way you did. It was never my intention to make you uncomfortable or anxious. We may have just met, but you're still important to me. How can I make it up to you?" Huh. I definitely was not expecting that from him. He's just making me fall harder every time he speaks. How could he make it up to me? Well, he could kiss me and cuddle me for eternity, but I don't want to ask him for that. I think now was the perfect time to tell him about my plan. The plan I made last night with Ryland. The plan for me to come out to the world.
"Well, I'm sure by now someone has mentioned to you that I'm gay, but I still haven't told my viewers. So, Ryland and I figured that if I tell everyone in the house to tell their fans to join my live later today, then I'll only have to come out once and answer their questions once. It'll just make it a lot easier on me. I'm gonna go live at 7pm tonight, so put something on your snap and insta, and we'll call it even." I said to him. He just smiled for some reason, and then put his hand on top of mine. I swear I stopped breathing.
"I'm so proud of you for that. It takes some real guts to come out. I'll post stuff everywhere to make sure you've got my entire fan base there." He said. He looked into my eyes with the most reassuring look anyone has ever given me. Even more than Ryland. Holy shit. What if he likes me too? I guess we'll find out soon enough, I hope.
"Thanks, do you wanna make a tik tok? That way we could start alerting the fans early." I have no idea why I just asked him that. I'm sure he has better things to do.
"I'd love to, yea." He said. I internally screamed for a sec, then we got up and did some dance trend that Charli started. Near the end of the routine, he got behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder. I tried to continue the dance, but my heart just melted into a puddle. Once the video had finished, he turned me around and we looked at each other for a solid five seconds.
"Is it okay that I did that?" He asked me. He is the cutest person I have ever met. I can't believe he's asking me if that was okay. He really does care about me.
"Yea, it's totally cool." I said. Hoping he would take that as a hint and do it again sometime soon. I put the details about my live in the caption, and posted it to my Tik Tok.
Only minutes later, my comment section started overflowing with people shipping Tony and I. Well, I guess coming out to them won't be as much of a surprise anymore.

——— time skip to right before the live ———

"Hey, Kouvr and I spread the word. You're good to go." Ryland told me. He put his hand on my shoulder, comforting my very obvious nervousness. I can't believe I was about to come out. This weight that had been keeping me down my entire life, would finally be lifted off my shoulders.
"Okay everyone well I'm gonna go up to my room and start my live. Wish me luck!" I said to the whole team. They all wished me luck one by one, Tony being the last, weirdly.
"Can I come up with you? I kind of need to say something to you before you go live." He said. I was kind of confused, but intrigued.
"Tony it's already seven. We can talk later if you want." I told him. I turned around and started walking up the stairs until I felt a hand grab mine, spinning me around again.
"Nick, please. I NEED to tell you something before you do this." He said to me. He looked really serious, so I guess I should let him say whatever it is he NEEDS to say.
"Alright fine let's go." We practically ran up to my room, both of us anxious. When we arrived, I shut my door and we sat on the edge of my bed.
"Okay, so, I just wanted to tell you that I'm not straight either. I don't exactly know what I am specifically, but I definitely am not straight." I stood there, stunned. My crush just admitted that he isn't straight! The only way this could possibly get better was if-
"And I like you. Like, more than a friend." He confessed. I couldn't believe what I just heard. For one of the first times in a long time, I smiled. It wasn't my fake smile that I make during tik toks or vlogs, no this was a real one. One that came from genuine happiness.
"Tony, I like you too." I finally said. He let out a shaky breath, and I did too. For some reason, I looked down at my feet. I felt a huge sense of embarrassment because of what I just admitted. As I was staring at my shoes, Tony lifted my chin up with his finger, so I was staring into his gorgeous brown eyes.
"Nick, you got this. Go show the world who you are." I smiled at him once more before going to my desk and setting up the live. Tony went to stand by the door so he could still be here for me, but the viewers wouldn't notice him. Once I started the live, there were already thousands of people on. After answering a few quick questions, Tony gave me a smile, letting me know that it was time.
"Okay so first of all, thank you all for showing up here. I'm only going to do this once, so if you wanna screen record this so others can see it, go ahead. Okay, uh, here goes. I'm...gay. I'm sure you all have questions, but I don't really wanna do that right now. I just wanted to get that out there, so I can live my life as who I really am. Thanks everyone, I'll see you later, bye." And with that, I ended the live.

Tony's POV
I was in tears. This boy I barely knew made me feel so many emotions I haven't felt in a long while. As he turned to me, I saw tears in his eyes, too. He got up from his chair and practically ran into my arms. He had his arms wrapped around my torso, hanging on to me for dear life. I felt so many hot tears fall onto my shoulder, but I didn't care.
"Nick, you did it. I'm so proud of you." I told him. He's probably the bravest person I know. I took his head off of my shoulder so I could look at his face. I cupped his face in my hands, wiping away the tears with my thumbs. As he was gripping my waist, I learned in slowly, and I kissed him. It was short, slow, and sweet. He pulled away, looking at me like no one ever has. He hadn't really told me much about him, but that kiss unlocked him completely. I could see it in his eyes. I started leaning in again, and I felt those lips on mine once more. That soft kiss began to fill with lust as we started moving our hands, trying to admire and appreciate each other's bodies. I lightly pushed him so he would sit on the bed, and I sat on top of his lap, trying my best to not break the kiss. Knowing this was getting heated, I pulled my infamous move. I bit his bottom lip ever so softly, but just enough so he could understand that I meant to do it. Now I don't want to go into detail, but the response he gave was pretty satisfying. With that, I pulled myself away so I could remove my shirt, but I quickly resumed kissing the beautiful boy. I felt his hands move from my waist to my chest, feeling me, which I was VERY fine with by the way. Soon enough, I went to go lift up his shirt, until I felt his hands pull it back down.
"Tony." He said between kisses.
"Get off."
"I said get off!"

A/N - Ouuuu kinda a cliffhanger! I was kind of nervous to write this chapter, because them confessing their feelings is usually what makes or breaks the story, so let me know how I did!

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