4 - Beginnings

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Chapter 4
Nick's POV
After everyone had introduced themselves to the set of brothers, they all seemed to stick around wanting to make videos. I saw this as my opportunity to get the hell out of there. Everyone started dispersing to the different areas to film, so I was in plain sight once more. That didn't stop me, because I ran up the stairs and straight into my room, not even thinking if Ryland or anyone else saw me. I collapsed onto my bed, exhausted by how much emotion I had just felt. All this man had to do was say hi to me, and I'm already falling for him. I hate it when people in movies fall in love at first sight, but I guess I'd be some sort of hypocrite if I said that now. I picked up my favourite teddy bear, Theodore, and I hugged him until I could feel my worry start to drift away. As I was daydreaming about what had just happened downstairs, I heard someone lightly knock on my door. It couldn't have been Ryland because he would normally just burst in, so I just yelled back.
"Yeah come in!" I guess I was expecting Kouvr to make sure I was okay, or Thomas checking for Chase, because I was pleasantly surprised by a sweet boy with curly brown hair.

Tony's POV
Once everyone had introduced themselves to Ondreaz and I, they all wanted to film tik toks. I mean, I don't blame them because it's their job, but i just got off a flight for god's sake.
"I think Dre and I are gonna unpack first and just chill a little bit. The plane ride wasn't so smooth." I said, softly chuckling.
"Alright just let us know if you need anything. Your room is up the stairs and all the way to the left. Make yourselves at home!" Thomas said. I nodded and smiled at the house creator, and made some small talk with Addison, who was beside me. Just as she was talking about how she got into the house, I noticed one of the members sprint upstairs, almost looking scared. He was the one who didn't even say his whole name. I have no idea why. Maybe he was just nervous around new people.
"Addison, who's that again? The one who ran upstairs? He uh never got the chance to tell me his name." I asked her.
"Oh that's Nick. Yeah he can get shy sometimes, but I'm sure he'll be out later to hang out with everyone." She responded. I finished my conversation with Addison and started heading upstairs to Ondre and I's room. It was a really big room for two people, but I'm sure we'll make use of it somehow. After setting down all of our luggage, I decided to go introduce myself to Nick again, but without all of the noise and people.
"Hey Dre, I think I'm gonna go explore a bit. I'll see ya at dinner." I told my brother.
"Just try not to get lost, alright?" We both laughed. But I mean, it wouldn't surprised me if I did get lost in this giant maze of a house. When I made it to Nick's room, I lightly knocked on the door, hoping he wasn't sleeping or anything. I'm guessing he wasn't since I heard him telling me to come in. I opened the door to see Nick sprawled out on his bed, holding what seemed to be a teddy bear. Once his eyes landed on me, he sat up pretty quickly, dropping his teddy bear to the side of his bed. He was probably embarrassed, but it's not like he was holding a voodoo doll or some shit.
"Hey! You're Nick, right?" I said.
"Yeah, yeah that's me." He responded.
"Well I just wanted to introduce myself without all of the insanity of everyone else." We laughed at my comment, both knowing it was true. He started to look uncomfortable and I got really scared because I just wanted to be nice, but then he started to talk.
"Would you maybe wanna make a tik tok with me? It doesn't have to be now or today because you're probably exhausted but maybe like someday?" I laughed at his frantic speaking before replying.
"Yeah I'd love to. We might as well now, though." I said to him.
"Alright awesome!" He said, standing up.
He set up his phone on a tri-pod after picking a pretty basic sound that we both knew the dance to. After filming the video, we sat on his bed, just talking, until I picked up the teddy bear from beside his bed.
"So, what's its name?" I asked Nick. He blushed red from embarrassment.
"Oh, that? It, uh, doesn't have a name, I guess." He said looking down at his lap. I may not know this kid too well, but I can already tell when he's lying.
"Something tells me that's not true." I said to him, hoping he'd tell me the truth. I don't know why, but the mystery of this kid made me want to get to know him even more.
"Fine. His name is Theodore. Happy?" He said to me.
"Yes, very." I said.
"Guys! Pizza's here!" Thomas shouted from downstairs. Nick and I got up and made our way to the giant dining table. I didn't really know if they had their 'spots' or anything, so I just sat next to Nick.

Nick's POV
Once everyone had finished eating, some of us went to the couch to watch a show, others to their rooms, and so on. Tony wasn't downstairs so I assumed he had gone to bed early. I'm sure he was exhausted after the long day. Part of me was a little sad, because I really enjoyed the time we had spent together, but I was fine hanging out with Thomas for now. That was until Tony surprised me with something he thought was funny. I guess Thomas must have put Tony's phone in front of me because I didn't see him until he popped up behind me, hugging my shoulders while lip synching something pretty inappropriate.
'Let's take off the towel, go hit the clubs. Do you know what it feels like to fall in love?'  The song went. He jumped over the back of the couch to sit next to me and that's when I realized I was being filmed. I went completely red. Yeah I was already blushing because of Tony, but now the whole world is gonna see my reaction to him. Great.
"Hey sorry Nick. Did i scare you?" I was still stunned by it all. I had to say something before he caught on, though.
"Y-you could say that."

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