Star Charts

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Astronomy written exam was very uneventful, Mikayla was confident that she did really well on the question of naming all the Moons of Jupiter, since Astronomy is the study of the stars and planets, their practical isn't until 11pm in the tower. So after Lunch, Hermione and Mikayla had their Arithmancy exam, and the boys had their Divination exam. Mikayla struggled a little in the written exam but felt pretty confident in herself after she left the practical one. Mikayla spots Harry and Ron walking, she grabs Hermione's hand and the pair ran to catch up with the boys, "Well, I think I've done all right in Arithmancy," she informed the group, the boys sighed in relief. "Just time for a quick look over our star-charts before dinner then..." Ron informs the group, the all made their way to Gryffindor Tower, "I think we should take a nap after dinner for a hour just so we don't fall asleep during the exam." Mikayla suggests, Hermione agreed with her informing the boys that'll still have two and a half hours after the nap to refresh their minds on star-charts. Mikayla made sure to stuff herself with food that'll help her sleep, she knew she was successful when she felt like she was about to explode. "I'll set everyone's alarms for 8." Hermione told them, she explained to the boys that the reason she said they only have two and a half hours to study as she's giving them 30 minutes to be fully awake and hydrated.

Mikayla woke up seconds before her alarms, making her groan and magically turn it off. She stretched, took a shower to freshen/wake herself up, she got into her uniform magically making her jumper woolier and warmer because it was a cold night. She shook Hermione awake who was drowning out the alarm somehow in her sleep, she got up and quickly got ready whilst Mikayla went to wake the boys. She knocks on the door, "come in!" Seamus' voice came through the door, Mikayla hesitantly opened the door to see the boys had no alarms going and that they were clearly still asleep. "Aguamenti." Mikayla whispers causing cold water to splash from her wand onto both of the boys, who both quickly got up in shock. "Shower and get ready to study." Mikayla warned them whilst Ron gave her a dirty look, complaining about having wet sheet. Mikayla waved her hands over Ron and Harry's sheets, drying them silently as she did so. Mikayla looked at her watch, "you've got 15 minutes." She smiled at the other boys in the room before leaving the room. Mikayla waited down in the common room, she asked Peppy if could bring up some pumpkin juice and Orange slices to keep everyone in a good mood, Peppy did this willingly and also brought up four chocolate frogs as an extra little treat which Mikayla thanked her for with a Galleon. She was alone for about ten minutes, before Hermione joined her and the pair took out their Astronomy notes about star charts. "I can't believe after today we only have History of Magic and then we've successfully finished our O.W.Ls" Mikayla sighed as she looked at the Aquila Constellation.

"You two haven't started without us, have ya?" Ron questions as he takes a seat next to Mikayla, who shook her head, "no I was looking at Aquila while I waited for you two." She gestures to Ron, and Harry whom took a seat between Ron and Hermione. "Oh the Eagle one, I like that one." Ron informs them making Mikayla smile at his Knowledge of the stars. The foursomes' study group became an all fifth year Gryffindors study group by 9 o'clock. They all sat on the floor of the common room, showing pictures of different formations and naming the stars in the formations, Mikayla and Hermione found it quite fun studying this way, instead of just reading notes. Mikayla looked at her watch to see that it was in fact 10:30, "We should all get ready to go." She announces to the group who quickly agree with her, gathering their supplies and talking amongst their friend groups.

Mikayla spots Avery walking towards the Astronomy Tower, she left her friends in the dust as she almost tackled Avery to the ground, "Av, ready?" Mikayla questions whilst the pair wait for the rest of Mikayla's friends to catch up with them. "Yeah, I do alright in Astronomy." Avery shrugged before they all began walking to the top of the Astronomy Tower with other yawning, tired-eyed students. The night sky was still and cloudless, as clear a night as one could ask for, for such an exam. They all began to set up their telescopes and once given the word, they began to peer into them and fill out the blank star chart that was provided to them.

As they worked Professor Marchbanks and Professor Tofty, the test administrators, strolled around the tower, glancing over everyone's shoulder's to see their progress. The tower was silent except for the light scratching of quills, the metallic creak of a telescope being readjusted, or the incessant sniffling of someone in the back who was catching a cold. As more and more time past you could catch the light pouring through the castle windows going out one by one through the corner of your eye as you worked. Maybe an hour and fifteen minutes into the practical Mikayla heard the unmistakable sound of the castle's front doors open and then a stream of light poured over the grounds for a moment. She quickly glanced over the side of the tower for a look, there were a few silhouettes standing near the doors. She focused through the telescope once again as she knew what was about to happen, and that Hagrid will be ok, she continued her chart.

In the middle of a sentence, Mikayla was scratching onto the paper, a dull thudding across the lawn caught her attention. She looked up, the muffled sound of a dog barking also rang out. Her eyes scanned across the lawn for those figures she saw before, she found them in front of Hagrid's hut, moonlight catching the tops of their heads and the lights through Hagrid's windows catching their faces. Unmistakably she saw Umbridge in the front of this group, but her face disappeared from view as Hagrid's door opened and the six figures entered. Mikayla glanced to her right to see if there was any indication that Ron had also seen what was happening across the lawn. His head was aimed downward at his paper, he was stiff. All Mikayla could do was hope he knew what was going on, she had no way of asking him without receiving a misadministration on her practical. As Mikayla heard footsteps approaching her neck snapped back to her star chart, once they passed she could've swore she saw Harry on her left look towards her out of the corner of his eye.

Suddenly, a roar echoed over the lawn from Hagrid's cabin and seemingly all of the students abandoned their telescopes in exchange for a glance toward the sound. Professor Tofty coughed to re-obtain their attention, "Try and concentrate, now, boys and girls," he said plainly. Mikayla glanced around the tower quickly at this time, Hermione was heavily focused on Hagrid's cabin in the distance. "Ahem- twenty minutes to go," Professor Tofty spoke, he sounded as if he was getting impatient. Hermione jumped when he said this and hastily returned to her telescope and star chart. Mikayla went back to hers as well, she was almost finished filling it out. She readjusted her telescope again and peered through it. Then, there was a loud BANG and Mikayla smacked her forehead on the eyepiece trying to look up too fast. She rubbed her forehead and looked out over the tower's railing. Hagrid's door had opened and he and the six wizards who entered his hut earlier were outside. Hagrid was roaring, his fists in front of him defensively. They were trying to stun him, red streams of light shot out of all of their wands at him.

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