Table Talk

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"What on earth is going on in here?" Madam Pomfrey's voice filled the groups ears, each of which jumped up and run to get into their bed. "We were just using the floor to cool us down and help us forget about food." Mikayla explained, the matron hid a smile at the blonde's explanation. She transfigurations a bed at the end of the Hospital wing into a table before conjuring up eight chairs and then she calls upon two very familiar house-elves to take the groups dinner requests. Harry sat at the head of the table, Mikayla to his right, Ginny to his left, Luna sat next to Ginny, Neville next to her, Ron sat at the tail of the table, Hermione next to him and a gap between Mikayla and Hermione. Peppy and Dobby wouldn't take dinner orders, saying that they were missing one person, the door opens and Avery walks in taking the seat in between Mikayla and Hermione. Mikayla smiled giving her sister a hug hello, before Peppy took the list of food wanted and Mikayla gave the two elves a galleon each. The eight friends spoke for a while as they waited, Avery explained that she organised the dinner with Madam Pomfrey when she asked Avery to get Mikayla's roommates to bring Mikayla's instruments down to the Hospital Wing.

As they all ate, they discussed their futures, and goals. Mikayla watched Hermione as she blushed as she spoke about getting married and working in the Ministry. "Oh how many kids do y'all want?" Avery questions the group, turning first to Hermione, "I, um, 2." "Same here." Ron smiles answering the question, "I don't really want kids.." Neville admitted, "I dunno, probably two as well." Luna answered in her usual dreamy voice, "3 or 4, not too big but enough that they all have someone to play with." Everyone turned to Harry, "3, I'd say." Mikayla could see a smile appear on Ginny's face which mirrored her own.

"Well after all you answering, I feel weird saying mine..." Mikayla admits playing with her food using her fork, "come on tell us!" Ginny spoke excitedly, "7 or 8." Mikayla blushed, "is there a certain reason for that?" Avery questioned slightly offended. "Well when we were little we weren't exactly besties." Mikayla admits seriously before laughing at Avery's face, "I dunno, just living with you guys made me want a big family, that way my kids could never feel alone." Mikayla admits looking from Ginny to Ron, before looking back at her food. "I'm not sure if I want kids yet, it's hard to know what wizarding law will look like for me when that time comes, I may not have a choice in the matter." Mikayla frowned at Avery's admission, she hadn't realised the possibility that homosexual wixens may not be permitted to raise a child.

It's definitely something that she wants to look into, to make sure Avery can have all she wants in this world. "Imagine being adults and dropping our kids off at King's Cross to go to Hogwarts..." Ginny says wanting to move the conversation along, "I still can't believe that we're only 2 years away from being 'adults'" Neville states which causes everyone to shiver in discomfort. "As long as we stick together we'll be fine." Mikayla smiles at the group who return the gesture.

"Ok what about baby names, anyone got some in mind?" Everyone shook their heads no apart from Mikayla who just looked down at her desert wishing she was invisible during this conversation. "Out with it sis," Avery nudges the blonde, "I only know the first three for sure; Michelle Jean Imelda, Wesley Sirius Charles and Harrison Remus George." The whole room paused at her words, stunned at the blonde's names for her kids. "Why those names?" Luna asked quietly, not catching on to the emotional significance of the names. "Well Michelle was my mum's middle name, Jean is Hermione's, and Imelda is Avery's. Wesley inspired by Weasley, and Harrison obviously for Harry. I plan to name my kids after every important person in my life as long as my husband agrees." She chuckles and Hermione joins knowingly as only Mikayla and Hermione know who Mikayla's husband will be. 

"Ooh who'd you marry?" Avery questioned, Mikayla turned to look at Avery in surprise, "what? The way you two reacted to what Mikayla said gave me the hint that y'all know who Mikayla's marrying." "Your Vision!" Ron chimes remembering Mikayla having a vision in the library. "You know who you're marrying." Ginny states as they all look over at Mikayla anxiously waiting, Mikayla stayed silent as she didn't want to Jinx her future love. "You can't jinx it!" Avery tells Mikayla as though she was reading the blonde's mind.

Mikayla made eye contact with Harry, who was looking at her with hope that she would just answer the question, she sighed before mumbling a response. "What was that?" Neville questioned, there was a quick silence, "Fred." Mikayla stated blushing wildly at the idea. "YES!" Ron and Ginny yelled in sync, this made everyone look at the confused, "I just really want Mikayla to be my official sister." Ginny shrugged which made Mikayla smile before turning towards Ron. "When you guys get engaged, you owe me ten galleons." Ron smirked at Mikayla who chuckled remembering the bet she made with Ron during their trip to Egypt. Ron goes on to explain to the others that Mikayla agreed to pay him 10 galleons if she got married to Fred during a heart to heart in Egypt.

Eventually the laughs died down, Avery was kicked out by Madam Pomfrey and the group of kids sentenced to sleep. Madam Pomfrey gave Mikayla and Harry their 'dreamless sleeping solution', they cheers'd their cups before drinking it. Madam Pomfrey then informed the group that they'll be allowed to leave the Hospital Wing at 1pm tomorrow afternoon. Mikayla fell asleep once she was given this information, she decided that tomorrow she'll visit a certain friend in the Forest.
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