Chapter 3

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       Chat Noir sat in a frog-like position on a shingled roof across from Marinette's house. He sat there staring at her with his luminous green eyes, watching as she drew in what he assumed to be her sketch book. 

He observed her as she lifted her head up and stared at the sky with her enchanting bluebell eyes. The way that the moon made her face glow just a little with the gentle breeze brushing her midnight locks against her face made his face become warm against the cool wind. He was trying to decide if he should go over and say hello to her or not before ultimately deciding to. He stood up slowly, careful not to draw attention to himself. 

      He took two large steps back before jumping off of the roof and landing on the balcony right behind Marinette. "It's gorgeous tonight, isn't it Princess?" Chat was nervous as he was talking to his future wife, but covered it with his usual flirty tone that his alter ego possessed. 

"Chat Noir?" Marinette turned around quickly, surprised to see her leather-clad partner standing in front of her. Chat Noir bowed down and slowly brought Marinette's pale hand to his lips before kissing it gently. "What are you doing here?" Marinette asked, pulling her hand away from Chat Noir quickly after he kissed it. Marinette had recently started to feel more open to her partner and had slowly developed a minor crush on him, which caused her to become more nervous around him. "I was busy patrolling and decided to drop by." 

Marinette knew he was lying since she had already patrolled that night, but ultimately decided to cut the cat some slack and go along with him anyways. 

        She nodded before turning back around to close her sketchbook when he popped up close behind her and rested his chin on her shoulder, causing her to blush slightly. "Whatcha drawing, Princess?" Marinette quickly slammed her sketchbook shut. "N-nothing! Just some doodles!" She looked over him and watched his neon eyes investigate the cover of the sketchbook. "Obviously, it wasn't nothing" Chat said before quickly stealing Marinette's sketchbook and holding it up high so she couldn't reach it. "Chat! Give it back!" Marinette yelled at him while continuously jumping up and down, trying to retrieve her notebook. 

"No way Princess! These are amazing!" Chat Noir held the sketchbook open and flicked across the pages. Marinette was blushing even harder now, but continued trying to reach her sketchbook. Chat eventually gave in and gave it back to her. "Thank you!" Marniette said, out of breath. 

       She looked at her sketchbook and then back at Chat, before realizing he wasn't there anymore. "Chat?" She turned around and saw him slumped over the rails of her balcony. "What's the matter Chat? You know you can tell me anything." She walked over to him and placed her forearms on the rails beside Chat. She looked to her left and saw a tear slowly drift down Chat's face.

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