Chapter 5

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      Marinette was stunned for a second before she begain kissing back, pressing herself closer against him. 

They both knew they shouldn't be doing this, but they were enjoying it so much. The first couple seconds of the kiss were gentle and calm, before turning long and passionate. While Marinette pulled back for a second to catch her breath, she wrapped her legs around Chat Noir's waist. He took that as a signal and forcefully pushed her against the brick wall. 

      He kissed her lips some more before making his way to her jaw and down her neck. His mouth tugged on her earlobe and bit her neck, giving her love marks all over. Finally, he pulled back and admired his work. He smirked after counting 4 hickeys on her neck and collarbone. 

After accessing his work, he pulled his eyes up and looked into Marinette's not-so-innocent looking stare. She was biting her lower lip and pulling her tank top strap back up, making her look very seductive. Chat thought about going back in for more before remembering his current situation. He was going to marry her in his civilian form, and here he was making out with her as Chat Noir! 

       "I'm so sorry Marinette, you just told me you liked Adrien and I... I don't know why I did that." He looked up at her guiltily, trying to read her expression. He couldn't tell if she was confused or mad, but she looked so good. The way the stars made her eyes sparkle made him really want to kiss her.  He knew he had to keep himself from digging his grave farther, so he did the only thing he could think to do. "I'm sorry Marinette." He managed to get out before jumping onto the railing and out and into the night sky. 

He looked back at her to see her sitting on the ground, hands covering her face like she was ashamed for what she just did.  He forced himself to center his head again and continued running away from his Princess. Lost in thought about what he had just done, he was surprised to see he had already arrived at the familiar fence that surrounded his house. 

      Chat jumped over the fence and into his bedroom window before detransforming and face planting into his bed. He expected Plagg to make up some snarky remark on what he just did, or at least ask for camembert, but the cat kwami just went to Adrien's pillow and prepared to go to sleep. He was glad that his kwami had decided to give him a break after his terrible day. Although, he had to admit kissing Marinette was pleasing.. 

He stopped himself from thinking that, knowing that he gotten himself in a lot of trouble when he did that. 

     He started to think back to their conversation before the kiss, and remembered what she had told him. Her confession had been burning in his head since he took off, but the more important thing in his mind right now. 

Why did she kiss him back if she liked Adrien?

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