Chapter 6

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        Adrien woke up the next morning miserable, dreading what he had to do when he got to school. It wasn't that he didn't like Marinette, his actions last night strongly protest that, but he had always imagined that he was going to marry Ladybug. Even the thought of betraying Ladybug made him feel physically ill, especially since he knew he wouldn't be able to flirt with her anymore once he had a wife. His thoughts clouded over his morning as he got dressed and brushed his hair and teeth, but when Natalie approached him with a small velvet box before exiting the house, his mind cleared. He took the box from her hand and opened it gently. 

      Inside the box was a princess-cut diamond ring, simple but clearly expensive. He gulped and shut the box carefully before walking out of the house and into the car. The drive there was short, and he wished it had been longer. The entire way there he was thinking about what he was going to say to Marinette, especially during the proposal. Even though she was forced to marry him, he still wanted to make it special for her. He wanted her to cry tears of joy as he proposed to her.

He wanted her to go dress shopping with her mom and Alya. 

Most of all, he wanted her to enjoy being around him. 

         He had just finished reciting his speech in his head before Natalie announced that they were there and he needed to get out. He quickly put the small box into his shirt pocket and got out of the car. When he got out, the first thing he noticed was the blue-haired girl standing by the entrance of the school.

        She had on a yellow sundress that had flowers embroided onto it with a cropped white sweater that hung on her shoulders. He looked at her and thought about last night and the way she smelled, the way she tasted. Thought of the way their tongues danced together passionately. Adrien was stuck thinking about the night before Nino interrupted his thoughts. 

"Dude! What's up!" Nino walked towards Adrien with finger guns directed at him. "Nothing much, I need to go to talk to Marinette though. Bye Nino!" Adrien swiftly walked by his friend and towards Marinette, leaving a confused Nino behind him. Adrien gathered all the confidence he could as he walked toward her. When he got to her, he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Marinette?" He felt her shoulder tense up as she slowly turned her body to face him. 

       "Adrien? What are you doing here?" Marinette's face flushed wildly, but Adrien continued anyways. "I really need to talk to you.." He glanced over at Alya, who had a smug expression on her face. "Alone." He added. He didn't want Alya to be there when he told Marinette the news. 

"Alone? I mean of course Adrien! I would love to be alone with you! I mean not LOVE but it would be nice to be alone with you! I mean, not like THAT, just one on one, you know? But not like ON each other!" She rambled on before Adrien grabbed her hand gently and guided her into a janitors closet. 

      "Adrien? What are we doing?" He could sense her nervousness, but he imagined she couldn't be any more nervous than he was right now. "Marinette, I need to tell you something."

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