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It's another lovely day at the coffee shop. It's just 9 in the morning but they already got so many customers.

"How you guys doing in here?" Sooyoung asked Wendy and other workers who's washing the dishes.

"There's many customers so there's many dishes to wash." Wendy said and laugh. Sooyoung just laughed with her.

"Well... Isn't that a good thing? Hahaha." She said and giggled.

She's in an extra good mood today and she don't really know why. Maybe that's because many people came at the coffee shop even though it's still early in the morning. Because usually at these times, her shop weren't flooded by people yet, but today is different.

"Uh, excuse me ma'am. But i think you should see this." A worker suddenly came in and said. Sooyoung looked at her in confusion but she still followed him outside.

"Why did you call me?" She asked.

"Well, the customers are leaving because they were probably scared of that girl." He said while looking at the said girl.

Sooyoung was confused so she followed where the guy was looking at. And she didn't expected to see what she saw.

It's the girl wearing a hospital gown again. She was sitting far from the customers and it's obvious that they were avoiding her. She could hear some people whispering and looking at her too. But the girl looks unbothered, she's just sitting there while talking to someone at the phone.

She's here again? Sooyoung thought.

"How did she get in here?" She asked the worker.

"She came in and ordered espresso. I was confused at first and don't know what to do but i'm just a newbie so i don't wanna be rude and still did her order. I got panicked when i noticed that the customers are leaving so i called you ma'am." He said while lowering his head.

"That's fine." Sooyoung said while still observing the girl.

The guy looked up. "What are we gonna do about her?" He asked.

"Leave this to me." She sighed told the worker to go back to work.

She just frustratingly walked towards the girl's table. She could see the girl's back. Her hands were on his ears, holding phone. But the girl can't see her since she's facing the window.

She saw the girl put down the phone at the table. She's probably done talking to someone.

Okay, let's do this. Again. Sooyoung thought as she finally approached the girl. She sitted at the chair in front of her and saw the girl was about to take off her face mask.

She stopped when she saw Sooyoung suddenly appeared in front of her. The girl looked at her straight in her eyes, there's no even emotions in her eyes.

Sooyoung cleared her throat, "Uhm, can I talk to you, miss?" She asked. The girl just slightly furrowed her eyebrows, confused at what Sooyoung said.

"Okay?" She said.

Sooyoung deep sighed. "I think... The customers are scared because... Your outfit is too intimidating." She said and sighed. The girl just checked her outfit, confused.

She shrugged. "And why is that?" She asked.

"Probably because you're wearing a hospital gown?" Sooyoung said. She want to talk to her as calm as possible because she don't want to cause a scene.

"So? What's with it?"

Sooyoung was a little annoyed at her answer. But she controlled herself and just sighed to calm herself down.

"I'm not sure but probably because they think you might carry some disease?" She said. She don't know if she offended the girl or what but she hopes she didn't.

"You said yesterday that I can't come in here at night. And now that I came early in the morning, I still can't?" The girl said, obviously annoyed.

Sooyoung shook her head "No. I just want to say that perhaps you could change your clothes?" She calmly said. But the girl sarcastically laughed at her.

"Change? Where? To the hospital? Ha! Why don't you just say that you want me to leave this stupid coffee shop?" She exclaimed and quickly stood up. She walked towards the exit, catching everyone's attention with her heavy footsteps.

"Dammit. Why do I feel guilty?" Sooyoung said to herself. She quickly stood up and was about to return at the work place.

"At least she left. Now I feel confident that she will not come here again." She assured herself. She was about to leave when she saw a phone on the table. It was the one the girl was using earlier. It's the girl's phone.

She quickly picked it up and sighed.

"No, she'll definitely come back here."


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