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taehyung was admiring the beautiful view of the sunset from their balcony but then, jolted as he felt someone grab his butt from behind, he looked behind and saw his husband.

despite of the wrinkles that were present on his face, he still managed to look so ethereal in taehyung's eyes.

"you scared me, love" taehyung chuckled deeply. jeongguk stuck his tongue out playfully at him. he walked until he stood right beside taehyung, breathing in the fresh air. the wind danced through the couple's locks as they sighed in content.

even though they were around their 60's, both of them still managed to stay young at heart. they went through ups and downs during these past few years of growing up together. but somehow, their strong faith in God and their love made them stronger. the foundation that they created was still standing strong and nothing can ever demolish it.

their love for each other overpowered it.

"did you remember my vow to you when we got married, taehyungie?" jeongguk asked as he placed his head on taehyung's shoulder.

taehyung automatically placed his left hand on jeongguk's petite waist. "of course i remembered it" taehyung laughed as he recalled the day of their wedding, memories flashing through his mind.

time sure was fast.

"i vow to still grab your butt even when you're old and wrinkly" jeongguk giggled as he mocked himself.

"i can't believe you said that infront of our guest. you're shameless, aren't you?" taehyung joked as he laid his head on top of jeongguk's.

"well, atleast i still kept the vow. i'm grabbing you right now too." jeongguk giggled as he grabbed taehyung's butt and squished it repeatedly.

taehyung burst out into laughter as he let his husband do what he desired, and besides, it's only a matter of time when they'll grow older again until they pass away. the thought of it hurts him, but atleast he lived an amazing, contented life with jeongguk and their son who was now, happily married!

"you never fail to amaze me. everyday there is something new that makes me love you even more than the day before." taehyung stated as he pecked jeongguk's button nose.

jeongguk blushed and hit taehyung's chest playfully. taehyung laughed, followed by jeongguk who giggled uncontrollably.

soon it died down, confortable silence surrounding them.

"you know —" taehyung started, eyes staring at jeongguk. "as we grow older together, as we continue to change with age, there is one thing that will never change..."

jeongguk batted his eyelashes as taehyung pressed their foreheads together, nose touching that it made jeongguk smile shyly.

"what is it?" jeongguk whispered, closing his eyes to savour the moment. taehyung did the same as he spoke delicately, making sure that jeongguk knows that whatever comes out of his mouth is full of truth and only the truth.

"i will always keep falling in love with you"


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