Chapter 3

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"We must hold to this course,west of the misty mountains for days. If our luck holds,the winds will stay on our side." Gandalf said as the 11 warriors sat on the slopes of a mountain.

"Good Pippin!" Boromir exclaimed as is sword was blocked by the hobbit. "Move your feet." Aragorn told Pippin.

"You're improvin' Pip" Merry smiled before blocking Boromir with his sword.

"If anyone was asking my opinion,which I know they're not" Gimli started,the last part of his sentence directed at the elven princess who smirked to herself "I'd say we're taking the long way around! Gandalf,We could pass through the mines of Moria"

"No,Gimli,I would not go through the Mines of Moria unless I had no other choice"

Leevria ran through the conversation,moving gracefully as she hoped from rock to rock looking over the horizon at the strange mass. "What is that?" Sam asked,inching closer to Frodo.

"Nothing! Just a cloud" Gimli waved the concern off,muttering something about the paranoia of elves.

"It's moving fast,against the wind" Drizzt said,startling Gimli (with how he kept to himself,he had forgotten the drow was there.)

"Crebain from Dunland!" Legolas declared,"Hide!"

The fellowship quickly gathered all the supplies they could carry and ducked under rocks. "Spies of Sauron. Our passage south is being watched" Gandalf turned to Gimli. "We must go through Moria."

And they set off towards the old dwarven ruins.


"Frodo!" Drizzt exclaimed as the hobbit fell,his short legs failing to carry him through the thick snow. Drizzt ran to help the ring bearer,ignoring his own discomfort as he knelt in the snow.

Leevria stopped and walked towards him,hardly trusting Drizzt alone with the fragile hobbit. She looked for the ring and Frodo shook his head,looked up at here with terrified eyes "I don't have it.

Leevria turned just in time to see Boromir pick up the band form the snow "Give him the ring"

She was ignored "'Tis a strange fate,that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing."

"Boromir!" Drizzt said,making the man flinch and look up from the gold trinket "Give the ring to Frodo" Boromir chucked and walked to do as he was told. "Of course! I care not"

Drizzt stared at Boromir as he walked away,hand slowly coming away from the hilt of icingdeath. Leevria stood and nodded at Drizzt,who mimicked her actions as they began to walk again,both elves keeping a closer watch on Boromir,for Frodo.

At least,that's what they told themselves.


As the group got higher up the mountain the snow and wind began to thicken. Two of the three elven warriors walking ahead,unaffected by the temperature.

Legolas stopped suddenly and turned back to his sister "Do you hear that?" He asked,she nodded "There is a foul voice in the air."

"Sauroman!" Gandalf yelled as the rocks began to fall. "They're trying to bring down the mountain! We must turn back!" Aragorn replied. "No!" Gandalf began to try and counter the spell with his own. He failed as a strike of lighting hit the mountain,sending tons of snow down on the warriors.


Leevria looked around as her head popped out of the snow. Many others had began to as well. She tried to push herself up,only to be stopped by how deep she was within the mountain. "Damn it" She muttered to herself.

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