Chapter 7

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Leevria ran down to meet Aragorn and her brother,Legolas grabbed her hands "You must not go" She scoffed at him "You cannot stop me"
He tightened his grip on her "Leevria if something is to happen to me,you will be adas heir." She jerked her hands away form his.

"Then var stay. You're tel' veinbor (then you stay. You're the first born)"

He stared at her before pulling her into a hug "the stubbornness of you always amazes me." She pulled away and looked to Aragorn in his armor "You look more now like a king. This is your path"

He opened his mouth to reply when Gimli interrupted them "If I had the time. I would get this fixed" he dropped the chains,they scrubbed the floor with his height. "It's a little tight around the chest"

They all laughed at the dwarf before a horn sounded.

"That is no orc horn" Legolas said as they all ran out to see what made the noise.

Stunned to silence as they watched the elven warriors march the gate,Haldir leading them. "Long ago,elves and men had an allegiance. We fought and died with each other. We are here to honor that allegiance"

Aragorn walked down and hugged the Lorien elf,who awkwardly patted his back. "You are most welcome." Haldir nodded "We are proud to fight alongside men once more"

He bowed to Legolas and Leevria as they passed to his sides. The warriors snapped to attention once the royal siblings stepped near them.

"Hope is never fully lost" Leevria whispered into the wind,though she knew the words did not reach where she intended them to go.


Drizzt listened to the sounds of marching as he sat perched on the top of a tower. He knew many lives would be lost this night, and that he could only hope hers wouldn't be one.

The wind blew back his hair as his eyes scanned the crowd. Even still for him it was easier to fight in the dark.

He closed his eyes as rain started to pour onto the soldiers.

Drizzt Do'urden had faced many battles in his time. But to him,this was the scariest one yet.


"You two could have picked a better spot" Gimli said to the elves,as his head didn't even reach over the wall. The sibling smiled at each other as Aragorn walked behind them.

"Well,lass. Whatever luck you and your brother live by,let's hope it lasts the night." She looked down at Gimli before speaking to Aragorn.

"Your friends are with you,Estel" The Dùnedain nodded at the three and walked off,a determined look on his face.

"Show nehel'feer neh mercy. Nesh va shall receive ath tel'quiet (show them no mercy. For you shall receive none" Aragorn yelled to the elven troops.

The orcs stopped and began to roar "Whats happening out there?" Gimli asked

"Shall we describe it to you.." Legolas started

"Or would you prefer we find you a box?" Leevria finished. The three warriors laughed together.

The orcs banged weapons against the ground,screeching and roaring. Aragorn drew his sword and the archers readied their bows. One man shot

"Hold!" Aragorn yelled.

The orcs screamed louder then ever before as they ran to the city walls

"So it begins" Drizzt told himself,sliding down the wall as he drew his scimitars.

Leevria shot arrow after arrow as Aragorn commanded it,everyone of her shots burying itself deep into orcs necks.

"Elves! I'm already on two!" Gimli yelled. Legolas turned "I'm on seventeen!"
Leevria smirked "twenty-three!"

Drizzt jumped between them


Gimli yelled in shock as the wood elves laughed.  "I'll have no pointy-ears out scoring me!" Gimli cried.

They all ran back into battle,each one trying to beat the other.

"Nineteen!" Legolas yelled out "Thirty!" Leevria countered.

"Thirty nine!" Drizzt cried

"Damn elves!" They all laughed at the dwarfs frustration.

Soon the battle escalated,the orcs had broken the wall. "Fall back to the keep!" Aragorn cried.

Drizzt fought his way back to Leevria,grabbing hold of her as they ran back inside to defend the keep.

"Let them come" Theoden said "It is over" Drizzt looked over is disbelief

"You said this fortress would never fall while you men defend it! They still defend it,and they have died defending it!" He yelled.

Theoden turned and looked at the dark elf "Why should I listen to you? How can we be sure you are not a spy of Sauron?  The King said

"You are not a warrior! You're a creature of the Underdark." Drizzts face fell as he looked away,deciding to ignore the man instead of argue any further.

Leevria stared over,the wood falling from her hands as she turned to Theoden
"At least he's doesn't cower behind walls while innocent people suffer!"

Theoden glared at her "Pardon?"

"He's a better warrior than you've ever been! And you know it."

Drizzt grabbed her arm "Enough. There's no point in arguing with a closed mind"

As they ran out to fight,Leevria at Drizzts back at him at hers.

She looked over once the horn blues and many soldiers,including Legolas,ran out on horses before Gandalf and the riders of Rohan appeared.

"Drizzt! Look!" The dark elf turned,shielding his eyes against the sunlight.

He smiled happily,stabbing an orc beside Leevrias head "We haven't won yet!"

They began to fight again,harder then before. Swords slashing and arrows firing.

Soon,the orcs began to fall back. Realizing they were beat.

"Leevria!" Legolas yelled,running up on a horse with another behind him. "Come to the hillside. Gandalf wishes to speak with us"

She mounted the horse and Drizzt followed. "I thought you didn't like horses?"

"I don't"  He said,Leevria laughed and snapped the reins.

Once they made it the the hillside,they gazed over land. "This was only the beginning,I'm afraid" Gandalf said "The battle for Helms Deep has been won...

"...But the battle for Middle Earth has yet to be started"

The Legend of Drizzt: Woodland Princess *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now