Chapter 13

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The company had made it to a part in middle earth splitting Erebor and Mirkwood, the dreaded moment of a goodbye striking their hearts

"This is were we part my friend" Legolas said. Gimli nodded "Aye, it's been an honor, all of you" he replied, stroking his beard.

Leevria knelt and embraced him, laughing at his reaction

"Gods, lass! I'm not dyin'"

Pulling away, Gimli pointed at Drizzt "You take care of her." The scimitar wielder nodded

The friends stood for a moment before saying their final goodbyes, Gimli walking away.

Drizzt waved to him and Leevria grabbed his hand "He's going home. We must continue"

She went to follow Legolas, but Drizzts feet seemed to be stuck to the ground.
Turning, she tugged on his arm again "What's wrong? Drizzt?"

He muttered something even she couldn't hear


"I can't go with you" 

She laughed, thinking he was joking "Of course you can......Right?"

Unbeknownst to the pair, Legolas had stopped and looked to them, listening to the conversation.

"I can't, My love. You know that" Drizzt said, shaking his head.

She scoffed, pulling her hand out of his. "Why?"

"Your people would never accept it. Your father would have me killed-

"I wouldn't let him. My people will learn, Legolas and I did."

Drizzt reached out for her, only for her to step out of his reach

"You must understand"

She laughed bitterly, eyes welling with tears "I can't understand if you don't explain"

He closed his eyes, he'd seen her upset before, but he never though he'd see her upset because of him "I'll only burden you. People will say things, your father will never approve of me"

"I don't care what they say. They don't know what you've been through. They don't know you" She pressed "You're doing this because it's easy. Fighting for us is what's hard. I'm willing to put up that fight. Why aren't you?"

"I'm doing what's right. Easy or hard. Why can't you see that?"

Leevria hissed as she felt a sharp pain in the center of her chest, grasping at the skin as an attempt to soothe the ache before shaking her head, the tears she'd tried so hard to keep at bay falling down her cheeks.

He reached out to her again, only for his hand to be knocked away "Are you alright? Leevria?"

She didn't respond, staring at him with bloodshot blue eyes before turning and walking away.

He walked to follow her, worry striking his heart. Once getting to the edge of the forest, he felt a strong hit to his jaw, making him stumble back.

Another hard hit to his nose before his collar was grabbed and his face pulled up, being met with a fuming Legolas inches away

"I would kill you where you stand, if it wouldn't kill her, but it seems as though you've done that yourself. Have you no love for her? No care!?"

Confusion clouding his mind, Drizzt licked the blood of his lip before speaking "Kill her? I'm protecting her!"

Legolas pushed him away "Is that what you think? You've broken her heart! Were you honestly to idiotic to notice that she was in pain?"

"I didn't know she was dying! No one dies from a broken heart"

Legolas looked him, finally realizing that Drizzt really didn't understand "We do. Hardly anything effects us. No illnesses, no wounds. Our weakness is the very the thing we thrive off of. We only fall in love once, you're her one. Her soulmate, true love. Whatever you want to call it." Legolas nodded towards the direction Leevria had gone of in

"Go to her. And pray to whatever god you worship that you can save her."

He ran off, urgently searching for her.

Once he found her, he felt his heart drop in to his stomach. She was holding holding herself up against a tree, her hands still grasping at her chest.

He grabbed her shoulder, this time she didn't hit him away. Either because she wasn't strong enough or because she didn't want to. He honestly didn't want to know.

"Leevria? Dear gods, tell me how to fix this" He said.

"Why do you care? If you were going to leave anyway, why do you care what happens to me?"  She replied, trying her best to ignore the agonizing pain in her heart

"I wasn't leaving because I wanted to! I never would have...I should have known. Please" He begged. She rolled her eyes

"I don't want your pity, Drizzt Do'ur-

He interrupted her, putting her back against a tree before pressing his lips to hers.

She fought him for a moment, struggling against the hold he had on her hips before relaxing, moving her hands up his chest and tangling them in his hair.

He pulled away, to caught up in his own guilt to notice her recovery "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry"

"I'm okay." She said, causing him to look back up

"I don't understand. You were dying. I thought I'd lost you"

She shrugged "I guess you really do care about me"

He nodded, hugging her tightly "Of course I do. I thought I was doing what was best for you. I didn't think-

"No you didn't. And you don't get to decide what's best for me." She said, pulling away and holding his hands.

"I'm sorry" He said, putting his forehead against hers.
"I know. And, you're never a burden. My father will have to learn. As will my people"

"Do you think they would?"

She nodded "I do. Can you trust me?" Drizzt nodded back at her "I can."

He smiled, happy she'd forgiven him. "Come. You should rest." He said, pulling her back to where he assumed Legolas had gone.

Legolas was sitting near a fire he had lit when he saw them, hugging Leevria tightly and glaring at Drizzt over her shoulder.

"Are you alright?" He asked, grabbing her arms "I'm fine, Legolas. Just tired."

He smiled "Good. Don't ever do that again, either of you"

Drizzt looked down, the guilt he felt still fresh in his mind.

Leevria pulled him closer to her "You didn't know, Drizzt. You were trying to protect me"

"I could've killed you"

"But you didn't" She consoled him, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him to another embrace.

He sighed, pressing his face into her the crook of her neck "I'm sorry"

She made a 'tch' noise, kissing his jaw before pulling away "Stop apologizing, My stars. I forgive you."

The two got into their bedrolls, Drizzt refusing to let go of her hand as they fell asleep


Sorry! I don't really like this chapter it was written in kind of a rush. But I still hope you enjoyed it. The next one will be better now that I'm home 🙃

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