Chapter 4

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Leevria ran her hands over the trees as they made their way to the elven city,she'd been many times. Her father even wanted her to court their MarchWarden,Haldir. She'd refused,not wanting to spend her life in a castle on the arm of a man,being seen as nothing more they something pretty to look at. She had more potential than that and she knew it,but it did not take away the beauty of the forest.

"Something troubling you?" Drizzt asked her,she took a breath and shook her head. "No. I'm just excited to see the lights again. It's been many years since I last saw them." Drizzt made an "ah" sound and tilted his chin up. "I spend most of my time wandering around,I've never had the nerve to come here. And Gimli speaking about an elf witch did very little to calm my nerves"

Leevria laughed and crossed her arms,listening to the dwarf talk. "Come closer hobbits! They say a great sorceress lives in these woods. An elf witch. Terrible power. All who look upon her,fall under her spell. And are never seen again.." Leevria looked at Drizzt assured him that the dwarven tales of The lady of Light weren't all true before listening in to the dwarf.

"Well here's one Dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox-

He stopped talking when an arrow was pointed at his face. Leevria stepped in-front of Drizzt and drew her bow, eyes daring the other archer to fire.

"That dwarf breaths so loud,we could have shot him in the dark." Haldir mocked, stepping to Aragorn.

"Haldir of Lorien, we come here for help. We need your protection." Aragorn spoke in elvish to Haldir.

"Aragorn,these woods are perilous. We should go back." Gimli declared.

"You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood, you cannot go back." Haldir spoke "Come. She is waiting."

"MarchWarden! What are we to do with the drow?" One of the elves asked. Haldir sighed "Take him to-

"You are not taking him anywhere the rest of us do not go" Leevria interrupted. "He's a part of this fellowship as well. If the Lady of the Wood is waiting for us, she is waiting for him as well"

Haldir tilted his head at her "You have  not become friends with this.." He paused and looked Drizzt up and down "...thing have you?" Drizzt lowered his head. "What would your mother think?" Leevria gasped and drew her bow fully, ready to fire, along with Legolas. "How dare you?!" Leevria yelled "You have no right!" Aragorn put his hand on his friends back. "Calm down, both of you. We need this night. Then you won't have to see him again." They lowered their weapons. "You're lucky Aragorn is much more merciful than I" She told the MarchWarden as they were led into the Elven realm.

Leevria put her hand on Drizzts arm "Are you alright? They had no reason to treat you so terribly" He nodded, taking her much paler hand in his. "Thank you" He muttered,pressing his lips to that back of her hand.

She smiled and walked away, anger in her eyes replaced with something else.


Once they made it to the top of the many stairs, Legolas and Leevria stepped up to shield the other races as Galadriel stepped down. "There has been a change in this fellowship. Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him." The man with her spoke.

"He has fallen into shadow" Galadriel said,voice seeming like it was carried by the wind.
"The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will ruin of all" She looked at Boromir, who looked away, almost as if ashamed  "Yet hope remains while the Company is true. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest....for you are weary with sorrow and much toil. Tonight, you will sleep"

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