Chapter 10

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"What kind of Army would linger in such a place?" Drizzt asked, looking at their dull surroundings
"One that is cursed." Legolas answered
"Long ago the Men of the Mountains swore an oath to the last king of Gondor to come to his aid and to fight. But when the time came, when Gondors need was dire, they fled. Vanishing into the darkness of the mountain" He said, looking down at the drow as he walked alongside his horse.

"And so Isildur cursed them, never to rest until they had fulfilled their pledge." Leevria finished. "I used to believe it was folklore. Simply stories to keep children away from the mountain. I see now I was wrong"


The fellowship made it to the entrance of the cave, hearts beating in their ears. "It feels as though the very warmth of my blood is stole away" Gimli muttered.

Legolas put his arm out in front of Leevria as he looked at the door "The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead, and the dead keep it. They way is shut"

A gust of wind flew out from the door, setting the horses off as they kicked and ran away.

Aragorn drew in a sharp breath "I do not fear death!" as he walked into the cave. Drizzt called for Gwen

"Strider!" He yelled, running after the Dùnedain with the panther on his heels "Strider. Let me go ahead." Aragorn ignored him and continued to walked along "Aragorn! I can see where you and the others cannot. Let me go ahead"

Aragorn looked back and, after a moments hesitation, nodded and moved out of the way.

Leevria drew her sword and followed after him, Legolas following her.

"Oh, this is just unheard of! Elves go underground where a dwarf dares not?" Gimli yelled "I'd never hear the end of it" and he made his way into the cave.

The fellowship ran swiftly through the darkness, Drizzt and Gwen ahead.

They turned into a large room, Gwen getting low to the ground and growling. Leevria ran into Drizzts back, he turned and grabbed her hand, drawing her closer to him.

"Who enters my Domain?" A ghostly voice boomed. "One who will have your allegiance" Aragorn said.

"The dead do not suffer the living to pass" the phantom replied.

"You will suffer me" Aragorn commanded

It laughed as many more like it began to appear, surrounding the warriors "The way it shut. It was made by those who are dead. And the dead keep it. The way is shut. Now you must die" they began to get closer.

Legolas drew an arrow and shot it through the forehead of the spirit. Leevria rolled her eyes "Tell me, brother, what did you hope to achieve from shooting a dead man!?" She asked him.


"I summon you to fulfill your oath" Aragorn said, walking towards it. "None but the king of Gondor may command me"

They clashed swords "That line was broken!" The spirit cried "It has been remade" Aragorn said, grabbing the dead mans throat.

"Fight for us and regain your honor. What say you?" Aragorn began.

"You waste your time, Aragorn. They had no honor in life, they have none now in death." Gimli said, only to be ignored.

"I am Isildors heir. Fight for me and I will hold your paths fulfilled!" Aragorn yelled at them

"What say you?!"


"Late as usual! Pirate scum! Come on, you see rats! Get off your ships!" Leevria heard the orc yell. Aragorn nodded at the others, all of them jumping off the boat.

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