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*3 years later*

Drizzt walked in to his suite, seeing Leevria sitting in an old rocking chair, nursing their second born, Ivarsaar.

He walked to her, looking around "Where's Zeshtari"

Leevrias head shot up, looking in front of the fire. "She was just here!" She turned and poked his chest accusingly "She gets this from you, you know. Always sneaking off."

He laughed, kissing her and Ivarsaars forehead "I'll find her. She's couldn't have gone to far off"

He walked to her room first, before going to his and Leevrias.

He choked back another laugh as he watched her stand on Gwens back, struggling to reach her mothers bow.
He leaned against the doorframe, seeing Zeshtaris feet slightly left of the panthers fur as she grabbed the bow.

He smiled, Myre had explained to them that the combined magic of the two elves had caused her to be able to levitate even on the surface, and that Ivarsaar would most likely be the same.

The child grabbed the bow, falling down to the ground and seeming happy with her work. Despite the fact that she could hardly hold it up.

She turned and saw her father standing in the door way, his arms crossed over his chest. She giggled happily, knowing she wasn't really in trouble.


He smiled at her, his demeanor failing as soon as the word left the child's lips.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked, kneeling to be on her level. She continued to giggled as she answered him "Getting Amme's bow."

He shook his head, looking at Gwen who sat and cleaned of her paws "You are not helping" The panther almost seemed to roll her eyes as she walked away.

Drizzt took the bow from Zeshtaris hands "It's a fine weapon. Bow and arrow." He said, putting it back on the shelf.

"But, what if you had one of your own?"

He asked, making the child narrow her eyes at him. Reaching over his shoulder, he grabbed the small bow and handed it to her.

She squealed, jumping up to hug him, her tiny arms hardly reaching around his neck.

He laughed, standing again and directing her to hold onto his finger. "Come. Let's go show Amme"

Leevria had rose for her chair, now making a pot of tea and holding Ivarsaar with the other arm.

Zeshtari tugged at her mothers dress, wanting to get her attention.

Leevria fanned the smoke away, handing the baby to Drizzt before speaking to her daughter.

"Look! Ada got me a bow" She said happily, pulling the string back and pretending there was an arrow nocked.

Leevria hummed "I can see that. Did you thank him?"

Zeshtari nodded "I did. Will you teach me how to shoot?" She asked excitedly.

Leevria hesitated before answering "Tomorrow. But now it's almost time for bed. Go put it in your room"

The child huffed but did what she was told, waddling off towards her bedroom.

Leevria stood up and gave Drizzt a look as she made the tea, happy to now have both her hands free "Isn't she a bit young for that?"

Drizzt shrugged "She's always interested in yours. I thought I get her one of her own"

"Where did you find one so small?"

"I made it. It's not very durable. More of a toy than anything"

Leevria nodded, pouring the hot liquid into mugs. "She looks up to you. She'll grow up to be exactly like you, I swear it"

He smiled "She looks up to both of us."

"I know that. But she's just like you, other than wanting a bow instead of a blade"

He mumbled something, taking the mug from her. Leevria groaned playfully as Zeshtari came back and sat herself on her lap.

The child laid against her mothers chest, and Leevria lifted her legs, resting her feet on Drizzts lap.

"How was patrol?" She asked him. He shrugged "Eveythings good. Nothing to worry about"

She nodded, running her finger through Zeshtaris hair to try and make her fall asleep.

The couple continued to speak, Ivarsaar soon fell asleep. And Zeshtaris eyes slowly began to close while she tried to keep herself awake.
They soon finished their drinks, and began to put their daughter to bed.

Leevria laid her down and the toddler gripped onto her sleeves, not wanting her mother to leave. Drizzt laughed quietly and used his free hand to detach Zeshtari.
Her face scrunched up before she settled again, nestling further under the blankets.

The parents stood and made sure she would stay asleep before walking to their room.

Drizzt laid Ivarsaar in the bassinet, settling beside Leevria.

She felt his restlessness and turned over "Are you alright?"

He took a deep breath, keeping his eyes on the ceiling as he spoke "I just..I never thought this would happen to me"

"Thought what would happen?"

He laughed and looked over at Ivarsaar, the baby was fast asleep, making a small noise each time he exhaled.

"This. All of this. I mean, I'm a drow prince of a light elven realm, I'm married to a princess."

Leevria rose to her elbows, listening to him speak

"I have children, and nothing bad has happened in years. In fact, every day seems to get better than the last." He looked at her, running his hand down her neck "When I married you, I never thought there would be a happier day. And then Leshtari was born, then Ivarsaar. The unhappiness I felt before I met you is so far away, sometimes I forget it even happened. But at one point I thought it would never end. I still fear that maybe this is all a dream, and one day I'll wake up to be alone again"

Leevria shushed him "You won't, love. Those days are far behind you. You'll never have to suffer in such ways again, I can promise this" She smiled at him "You can be happy now."

He nodded "I am happy. I'm so happy. And for that I can't thank you enough"

She smiled, kissing him before laying back down, and he watched her body relax as she fell asleep.

He hummed in content, his scars no longer ached as he awoke from nightmares with no one to soothe him, he never again would have to walk with a cowl covering his head and eyes downcast.

A drow and a light elves becoming friends sounded like a fairytale, and two falling in love sounded like pure idiocy.

But Drizzt had spent his entire life defying what others saw as normal.

What was one more thing?

The end

The Legend of Drizzt: Woodland Princess *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now