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  "Are you ready for bed?" "Yes daddy." You said after brushing your teeth and climbing into bed. He tucked you in. He picked up a book from the self. "Once upon a time there was a little girl playing in the woods..." He began. You got bored very quickly and he noticed. If he told her about what happened in the past he didn't know what would happen. Would his sweet four year old daughter get scared? "I have a new one." He said putting the book away. "Really?" You sat up in bed. "Once upon a time there were three kids who lived on an island. They always wanted to see the other worlds so they built a raft..." As he continued your eyes lit up. You didn't get scared at all. "Daddy what were their names?" "Who the kids who wanted to leave?" You nodded. "Sora,Riku and Kairi." He said after that he continued to tell the story. "Daddy one of the kids has the same name as me!" "Yes I know." He said continuing the story. You fell asleep at the part when Sora, Donald and Goofy went to wonderland. He looked over at you. "Good night my little one." He said kissing you on your head. From that night on you would always ask for more.

One night you got up in the middle of the night for a cup of water. "I don't know how long we can hold them off your majesty. They're attacking us from all angles." You heard someone say. "Can you keep them off a little longer? We have to prepare just in case they try anything." Your dad said. He didn't know what to do about you. He had only had two options send you away and help his friends fight or stay with you to protect you. "Like attacking the kingdom?" "Yes we can't let them have their way!" "What about the princess? You can't help us fight and protect her." You ran away to your room.  You didn't want to go away. "I don't want to leave!" You said crying. But you didn't want your aunts and uncles to get hurt either. You held your rabbit plush and cried yourself back to sleep.

*The next day*

You peeked into his office. He looked very busy today. You accidentally slipped forward causing the door to open. You looked at your father. You felt bad for interrupting him so you just waited for a minute. "Are you okay?" He asked helping you up. You nodded and ran off to go play. He sighed looking at the open door. He didn't know why you were acting so strange. He shook his head and went back to working. He looked at his favorite picture of you in a cute outfit. He was still thinking about what to do about you. "Who says I can't do both?" He asked. He wanted to go on an adventure with you. He wanted to take you out to other worlds and share that experience with you. He also wanted to get closer to you. After all you were his sweet little princess and he loves you to pieces. At the same time he wanted you to have a normal childhood. He didn't want you to get hurt and he also wanted you to have friends. "I'm so torn....what do I do?" He asked himself. You were listening to him. You see you were playing outside when you fell and got hurt. You came in crying. "I'm sorry I tried to stop her from coming in." A guard said. "It's okay. Now tell me what happened..." He said putting you on his lap. "I-I-I'm sorry....I-I didn't mean to bother you..." You said crying. "Calm down so I can help you." He whispered. He didn't understand a word you said. "I-I fell...and hurt my knee!" "We can take care of that easily!" He said getting a bandage out from his desk. He put it on your knee and whispered "Heal." You felt a little better but you were still crying. "It's okay. You know Sora and his friends have been hurt before and you know what?" "W-what?" "They got up...and kept fighting. They didn't give up. So if you fall again you get back up." "O-okay...daddy!" You said smiling. You still felt bad for bothering him. "I love you so much." He said hugging you. "I love you too daddy." You said.

*One month later*

Your dad was getting a bit worried because you've been staying away from him. The only time that you were by him was when he would tell you a bedtime story. Most of the time you were by yourself. He was going to take a break from work and play with you for a little bit. He also had to plan for your birthday party. So he needed to know what kind of party you wanted. You were playing in the garden by yourself. Your daddy was very busy today so you had to stay out of the way. This was your own idea. You didn't want to bother him. "Would you like more tea?" You asked your doll. You poured water in her cup. "Please use your manners miss....I don't care about how hungry you are...of course you are welcome..." You said sitting across from your doll. "Do you have room for one more? I brought you your favorite cookies." A voice said. You thought for a while. "But aren't you too busy?" You asked looking down. "I'm never too busy for you. Why would you think that?"He asked you getting down to your level. "Because I just get in the way. You can't help the others because I'm around! It's probably better if I didn't bother you again!" You yelled running away."Come back Hikari!" He called running after you. You didn't listen to him. "Sora Hikari ___ (L/N) get back here now!" Your daddy was close. You knew that you were going to get a scolding since he used your full name. You stopped when you saw someone in a black coat. "What do we have here? A little princess all by herself." He said getting ready to use magic. You were frozen with fear. You closed your eyes. You felt someone hug you tightly. You opened your eyes to see your daddy holding onto you. You felt his grip on you loosen. You saw him fall to the ground. "Now for the other one." The figure said looking at you. "Back off!" One of your uncles threw his keyblade at the mysterious figure. He disappeared. "Daddy? Daddy wake up!" You said looking at him. This was all your fault. If only you didn't run away. "Come with me ___. We have to get you to safety. Your dad will be fine he's only under a sleeping spell. ____!"He said noticing that you were gone.

You quickly ran to your room. You remembered over hearing your aunts and uncles saying that you have special powers. Ones that you could use to time travel. "I have to find Sora! He's the only one who can help us!" You grabbed your favorite bag and parasol. I don't know if my powers will work. You thought. "Please please take me to Sora! We need help!" You said opening up the parasol. You closed your eyes hoping that your powers would work.

"I'm late! Mom is going to be so mad! I promised her that I would be home by dinner! Maybe I can cut through the park." Sora said running. It began to rain. "Why me?!" Sora said. He stopped as he saw something weird. A little girl with a parasol appeared out of no where. "Huh?" Sora asked. "Did she come from another world?" He thought looking at her. She was all alone not an adult in sight. He got a closer look. "What's your name?" He asked. "Sora." She said. "That's my name! You have the same name as me?" He said shocked. There wasn't that many people on the island. So for the most part everyone knew each other. He didn't know about a kid that had the same name as him. He took a deep breath and asked. "Where did you come from?"  You didn't know if this was the right Sora. So you didn't tell him. "I...I can't tell you." "Why not? I can't help you if I don't know where you live." He said. You turned around. This kid was going to be difficult to deal with.

I'll protect you past, present,and future. (Sora x child reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora