Part 10

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   You woke up crying. "Another nightmare?" You asked frowning. You having nightmares lately. You were holding onto your pillow. "Why am I still here?" You asked yourself. You thought back to what happened earlier today. The darkness wasn't a part of him. "I don't remember him. So why...does staying here feel so right? Do I need to help him?" You asked looking at the moon. Something was wrong with Sora. That much you knew. "I don't understand all of this..." You said frowning. You couldn't remember him. So why did it hurt so much seeing him this way? You looked at your parasol and then back at the moon. A fuzzy image popped in your head. One of Sora protecting you from the Heartless. You were still confused. You opened the door to Sora's room. Sora was fast asleep. You didn't want to bother him. That was when you saw darkness around him. "Sora!" You screamed and ran to him. You had to help him. Your heart came out from your chest. You fell to the ground. Sora woke up to find you on the floor. "____?" Sora gently shook you. "____!" He yelled. You didn't answer. He kept on yelling your name. You didn't respond. He picked you up and put you in bed. "____...." He whispered. This felt so familiar to him. Kairi was like this once. He didn't know what happened to you. "Did you lose your heart?" He asked listening to your heart. Nothing but yet you were breathing. "What's going on?" He asked tucking you in. All of the sudden he felt dizzy.


"What happened?" He asked looking around. You were sitting down on a swing all by yourself. Sora smiled and ran up to you. You were looking down. "Would you like a push?" He asked you. You didn't respond. "Hello....____...." He said waving a hand in front of you. You still didn't move. He put a hand on your shoulder. Only for it to go right through you. Sora looked at his hand with confusion. He couldn't say anything at the moment. You got up and walked away. "___! Please come back here it's dangerous out there!" Sora said trying to grab your wrist. His hand went through you. You turned around to face him. "Is someone there?" You asked looking around. No one answered. You looked down and continued on. "____! I'm right here!" He yelled. You just kept on walking. "It's so cold and dark out here....I'm all alone." You cried. Sora kept on trying to hug you or pat your back. He tried over and over again. But he couldn't. "____...." He said. He was really confused about what was going on. That was when a huge heartless came. You tried running away from it but it kept on chasing you. Sora threw his keyblade at it landing many hits but the heartless managed to hit you. You screamed as it did so. You were then out cold. "___!" He yelled trying to get over to you. But the heartless did something to you. "Let her go!" He yelled at it hitting it with his keyblade. It almost got away. "Whatever you took from her give it back!" Sora yelled. The heartless sent him flying. Sora barely got up this time. "I-I can't give up!" He said looking at you. He remembered your smile and all the cute things that you would do. "I-I won't let you have her!" He yelled getting up and hitting him with two keyblades. "A new form?" He thought as he was looking at his new clothes. They were gold and white. He didn't know how or why but he loved it. Because he could land multiple hits without taking hits full blown. The form was disappearing and Sora was getting worried. It was almost like ____ had something to do with this. "Maybe I have to wake her up..." He thought. "You have to wake up! ____ please don't give up! Open your eyes ____!" He yelled while blocking his attacks. "Please wake up! We will lose everything if you don't!" Sora begged. You still didn't move. "____ I'm sorry for the way I treated you over the past couple days. Please wake up!" He yelled. You didn't move. Sora managed to get over to you. He held your close to him. "Please ___..." He whispered. You felt really cold. This feeling he had it was so familiar. " have to...___!" He yelled crying. His new form came back. He smiled while looking at you. " heard you yelling my name." You said opening your eyes. Sora put you down and began to fight the heartless again. "Sora...." You whispered. You didn't know why he wanted to protect you so badly. You hardly knew him and you also got him into this mess. This happened because you forgot about him.


Riku and Kairi looked at you in the hospital bed. Something happened to both you and Sora. The doctors had no idea what was going on. What was worse was that you had no heartbeat. Sora on the other hand was acting weird and they couldn't explain it. He would call out your name. "____..." Kairi cried giving you your puppy plush toy. Just seeing you this way broke their hearts. You had gifts on the table all for you. "Sora..." You whispered. "Huh?" Riku asked looking at you. That was when they saw a bright flash and her puppy plush turned back into a rabbit plushie. They looked at each other with confusion.

*Back with you*

You remembered all the times when Sora saved you. You didn't want this to happen. It was your turn to help him. You got up and stood in front of him. "___! What are you doing?!" He asked. "Helping you! You always protect me. Even though I have hurt you. So I'm going to protect you!" You said closing your eyes getting ready to get hurt. But it never happened. You opened your eyes to see a keyblade. "What?!" You asked. "You have a keyblade now!" Sora said looking at you. You didn't know how or why you had one now. It didn't matter because you were going to help Sora with this one. "Sora lets go finish this battle and get your heart back!" You said to him. He nodded his head and summoned his keyblade. You smiled and the two of you changed form. You were wearing something that looked like your favorite dress. You were even wearing your tiara and both of your keyblades changed. "Get out of here!" You shouted using spark on him. Sora was amazed by how much you knew about the keyblade. You gracefully used it and You were really good. The two of you used mostly light magic on it. It disappeared when the two of you used spark together. You smiled at Sora. "You were really good!" Sora said. "Thank you. I learned by watching you." You said smiling. The two of you turned back to normal and you were sent flying. "Sora!" You yelled. He grabbed onto your wrist but he couldn't hold on. He let go of you.  You opened your eyes to see your hospital room. "Huh? What happened?" You asked not remembering much. Your head hurt badly but that was it. "Everyone she's awake!" A nurse said running out of the room. You didn't understand how you got here.

Both you and Sora got released from the hospital. You were so happy to find out that Sora was going to be okay. But you began to act weird. You would give Sora your tv time and your dessert. You did this all week. "What's wrong?" Sora asked looking at your bags. "I should go home now..." You said looking at Sora. "Really..." He sighed. "Yeah...daddy is probably worried about me." You said. "Okay. Just don't forget me again..." He said. "We'll miss you." Kairi said smiling. "I'll miss you too!" You said. "Don't cause too much trouble back home." Riku said. "But getting into trouble is what she's good at!" Sora said smiling. "I know who she gets that from." Kairi said looking at Sora. "Yeah. She's just like her dad." Riku said. "Huh? You've met ___'s dad?! No fair!" Sora asked. You all laughed. "Well...I guess...that this good bye..." You said crying. Sora still couldn't believe that you were leaving. "Yeah..." Sora said. "Look at it like this...we don't have to argue over sweets anymore..." You said smiling. Sora frowned upon you saying that. "I like arguing with you." He said getting down to your level. "Well...I can't annoy you anymore." You said. "You don't annoy me that much. You are more than what you think you are and I will miss you a lot! You have become one of my best friends." He said hugging. "Sora..." You said crying. You hugged him back. "I'll miss you the most Sora! Good luck on the test Riku and Sora!" You said backing up. You took out your parasol and turned around. "Test? We have to take a test?!" Sora asked confused. "I don't know what she's talking about." Riku said. "Maybe I should study." Sora said. "You studying? That's new!" Kairi said. "I can change my study habits." He said smiling. "We don't know what kind of test it is." Riku said.

I'll protect you past, present,and future. (Sora x child reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora