Part 5

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  Sora was getting worried about you. You would barely talk to him let alone look at him. Were you mad at him? You sat down at your table in the room. "What do I do?" You wanted to go home so bad. Staying here wouldn't be a good idea. "Their powers are just to much." You sighed. You didn't want to help them. But if you didn't help Sora and the others will be in trouble. You picked up your phone. "Please...I want to talk to my daddy...." You said. "I'm sorry....but he can't talk right now." "I-is it because....he doesn't care about me anymore? Is that it?!" You yelled. "No it's just....your dad is very busy right now." "He's always too busy for me! Fine if he won't talk to me I'll just go home!" "That's a bad idea. It's not very safe...." "I don't care! I want to see him!" "Listen to me there are heartless and nobodies everywhere. They could hurt you!" "I want to see my daddy!" "I know. Things are really bad right now. It's best if you stayed there with Sora." "But Sora hates me." You said.  "No he doesn't." "We argue over almost everything. I don't think Sora wants me to stay here anymore..." You sighed. "You know Sora very well. Give him another chance." "I don't want to! Daddy was wrong about Sora!" You said. "No he wasn't. He knows Sora better than anybody. So he told you the truth about him." "What do you mean?" You asked your uncle. "Well you see...." He didn't get to finish. The two of you got disconnected. "Hello? Are you still there?....I just want to leave...." You cried and went downstairs. "I'm going to eat the last cookie!" Sora said picking it up. You didn't know what to say. You couldn't take it anymore. "'s yours..." You said. "What? You always want the last treat. Are you feeling okay?" He asked feeling your forehead. "Of course I'm okay! Why do you care?!" You asked turning around. "Because you're  special to me. I don't like to see you cry." Sora said. You were shocked when you heard this. "What?" You asked. "Yeah I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you. Sure you can be annoying at times but I've seen another side of you. You are so brave for someone who is only a kid. I couldn't imagine being years away from home." He said getting down to your level. "Sora....I'm sorry about how I treat you. " You said feeling bad about how you treated him. So you hugged him. He hugged you back. "Don't change. I actually kinda like it when we argue over silly stuff." He said getting up and grabbing the cookie. You were confused. "I promise you that I'll save your home and protect you." He said holding out half of the cookie. He gave you the other. "I promise that I won't change." You smiled as you put your two halves together. Then you took them apart and ate them.


Sora tip toed to the kitchen. He was going to eat the last piece of ___'s birthday cake. "Stop right there!" You said. "!" Sora said. "That last piece is mine!" You said crossing your arms. He thought for a while. "You're right." "No...I don't care! It is my birthday cake! Wait....what did you say?" You asked him. "You're right....I should let you have the last piece. After all it's your cake." Sora said getting two plates out. "Why two?" You asked. "I guess that you don't want ice cream then..." He said putting it away. "I didn't say that! I just thought that you were going to steal my cake daddy!" You said. You immediately covered your mouth realizing what you said. "W-what did you call me?" He asked turning around. You didn't know what to say. So you thought for a minute. "Sora you didn't hear me right." You said frowning. "If you say so." He said dishing out the ice cream. He brought the dishes to the living room. "Shouldn't we be eating at the kitchen table?" You asked. "Shhhh!" He said turning on the tv. You couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier. Your dad jumped in front of just so you could be safe. Sora thought for a minute. "You have something on your nose." Sora said looking at you. "Where is it?" You asked him. "There!" He said putting some frosting on your nose. "Hey! There now we are even!" You said laughing as you put some on his nose. "Hey! Do you think that you can get away with that?!" He hit you with a pillow. You then hit him with one. You were hitting each other with pillows. After you finished your cake you played more games with him. You were hiding under the kitchen table. It was Sora's idea to play hide and seek. "He'll never find me here..." You whispered. He saw your favorite slippers. "Ha! I found you!" He said looking under the table cloth. "You found me but now you have to catch me!" You began to run. "Hey that wasn't part of the game!" He said running after you. "You can't catch me daddy! I'm fast!" You laughed. Sora stopped and gave you a confused look. "What is it Sora?" You asked him. "Do I say anything about her calling me that?" He asked himself. "It's nothing. You better get a head start! Because here I come!" He said.


"I want to play!" Xander said. "Meaning you want to go out in the field?" Maxi asked doing her hair. "Yes! So let me play!" He said. Xander was a child who they brought in to their side. In reality he was a year older than the princess. But the darkness caused him to look older. "You can't! We don't even know where the kid lives and do you really want to get beaten up?" She asked. "But I want to play! It's not fair! You and Alex get to play! So why can't I? Where is Alex anyways?" He asked. "Don't ask me. The master always sends him to do weird tasks." She said doing her makeup. "Alex let me go with you! I want to play!" He said as Alex came into the room. Alex just walked up to Maxi. "What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to get the girl?" He asked. "I tried but she caught on before I could even bring her here." She said turning towards him. "If we don't bring the kid here soon the master will be very upset." Alex said. "I have a good idea. Why don't you bring the kid here?" Maxi said. "Yeah how come you haven't brought the princess here? At least I summon Nobodies! What do you do?" Xander asked. "I cannot tell you....just know that we'll be happy when this is all over." He said leaving. Maxi sighed looking down. "He has changed." She said. Then she had an idea. Why not toy with the kid's feelings? "Do you want a new toy Xander?" "Yes! But why?" "Because all we have to do is bring the girl here right?" "Yes." "So what if you used your powers to play with her dreams." Maxi said. "That's a good idea. So will you play with me?" He asked. "Oh...yes!" She said. She could use her powers to lead her here.

*Back with you*

You really enjoyed spending time with Sora. Only lately you have been feeling really bad. Whenever you looked at him you would think about daddy and what happened to him. You didn't know if he was okay or not. Your uncle said that he was okay. But something deep down was telling you that he wasn't. "Maybe I should leave...." You said sighing. After all you have been having nightmares about the same thing happening to Sora. "It's all my fault. I should just go and give them what they want. Maybe if I talk to Riku he might answer to my problem." You said grabbing your bag and phone. You went to Riku's house. "What are you doing here ____?" He asked looking at you. "...." "Let's get you inside a storm is coming." He said. You followed him in. "There's just something about Sora that reminds me of my daddy. I feel terrible about what I did to him. I can't talk or even look at Sora not without feeling guilty. I don't know what to do."You sighed. "You can't avoid Sora." He said. "I know. I was thinking about leaving." You sighed. "Leaving?" "Yeah. Maybe if I give myself up they'll leave here. I've caused so much trouble already...." You looked down. "If you turn yourself in Sora will stop you!" Riku said sitting next to you. "Sora doesn't know! I left without him knowing..." "Yeah but I know! I won't let you go either." Riku said. "I haven't made up my mind yet. I want to stay here but at the same time I don't. I just don't know what to do..."  "I don't think helping the Organization is a good idea." "I know...but I realize what I must do for my kingdom and friends. Father taught me about responsibilities and what I should do as a princess. I know that I'm young and I can't defend myself in battle. I have to do something! I don't want to sit here and do nothing! They need me!" You said giving him a very familiar look. "That look...where have seen that before?" He thought looking at you. "They will destroy you!" "Then what should I do?! They will destroy anyone who is close to me! I've been having nightmares about it...." You said crying because you remembered last night. "I can't tell you what to do. But you should at least let Sora know where you are." "Right...." You sighed.


You right back upstairs to your room. "Where were you?!" Sora asked stopping you in the hall. "I went to visit Riku. I had to tell him something." You said frowning. "What was it?" He asked you. You thought for a minute. You had to be honest. "I might leave tomorrow...." You said looking down. "Where are you going?" "I'm going to turn myself in." You said. Sora looked confused. "I'm going to the Organization." You said frowning. "Why?! They will destroy you! Is that what you want?! I won't let you leave me...I mean us!" Sora yelled. He This was the first time he has actually yelled at you before. "I don't care if I get destroyed! I have to do what I have to do! I have responsibilities! I have to protect my family and friends!" You yelled. "You are five! You don't have to worry about that yet!" Sora said. "As a princess I do." You said. You really didn't tell them that you are a princess. "....Then...let's take this fight to the future!" He said. You didn't say anything. It was true that you wanted to go home. But at the same time you didn't want to see it in ruins. "I don't know....what if we're already too late..." You said looking down. "We have to try. I made a promise to you and I'm going to keep it! Even if it means going to the future!" Sora said. "Sora..." You said. Why were you so afraid? Sora and the others were there to protect you. You felt safe when you were with Sora. "Let's go tomorrow morning...I'm really sleepy..." You said yawning and opening the door to your room. "Good night..." Sora said.

I'll protect you past, present,and future. (Sora x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now