Part 8

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Sora opened his eyes to see himself on the island. "What happened?" He asked sitting up and brushing off all the sand. "Sora you lazy bum! Riku and I woke up minutes ago and here you are taking a nap!" Kairi said. "Sorry...where's ___?" He asked sighing. Both Riku and Kairi didn't answer. "Where is she? D-Did something happen?" He asked them. "We haven't seen her since we brought her back home." Riku said. "We have to go look...." Sora began. Then he remembered ____ was back home. So it didn't matter right. He didn't fulfill his promise to her. He sighed and went back home. "Sora where are you going? Don't you want to stay here a while?" Kairi asked. "N-no thank you..." He said sighing and going back home. He saw countless of people with their children. He looked at his empty hand. "Sora I didn't want to hold your hand!" Your voice rang through his ears. "Why am I so sad? ___ is home with her dad. I should be happy for her." He sighed.


"I'm home!" He called. No one answered and the lights were off. Sora turned on the lights and saw a note in the kitchen. It didn't make much sense because it was written in some sort of different language. He frowned and threw it away. "I wonder if mom put ____'s sheets away. He said going upstairs to see you in bed. "Huh?" He asked looking at the sleeping child. He couldn't believe that you wanted to stay here. "She must be sleepy because she had to send us back..." He said. He put the blankets around you. He noticed a cute puppy plush next to you. "____ you need your rest." He frowned when he couldn't find your favorite rabbit plush. He tore up both your room and his. But he couldn't find it. "I know it's here somewhere! It has to be!" He said looking for it. "Daddy...." You said in your sleep. "Huh?" Sora asked looking at you. You opened your eyes. At first they were dull and empty but then they turned back to normal. You sat up and looked confused. "Why did you come back?" He asked looking you. You stayed quiet. "Anyway I'm glad that we saved your home. How's your dad?" He asked. You didn't say anything about your dad to this boy. How did he know? You looked mad. "How do you know my dad?! Are you the one who destroyed my home and do you know what he looks like?!" You yelled at him. "No I saved your home!" "I don't believe you! Besides I don't know you!" You said frowning. "It's me Sora!" He said looking at you. "Sora?" You asked yourself. You didn't know anyone by that name. "I'm sorry...but I'm not supposed to talk to strangers." You said frowning. "Sora! You left the door unlocked!" His mom yelled from downstairs. He sighed and went downstairs. "I'm sorry mom. Hey...what's wrong with ____?" Sora asked. "____ is sleeping. The poor girl she lost her family. I found her alone in the rain." She said putting the food away. " I found her...." Sora said remembering everything that has happened. "Sora I remember what happened yesterday!" She said. "Yesterday I brought ____ home." He said frowning. Her real home the one in the future. You slowly came downstairs for dinner. "What are you doing here little one?" She asked you. "May I have something to eat?" You asked her. "Sure dear...go sit down and I'll cook something up for you." She said. Sora wanted to try something. "Hey mom can you please make your famous chocolate cake?" Sora asked. "I already have some made. Here you can have a slice." She said. "There's only one slice left..." Sora said looking at you. " can have it! I'm not that hungry for cake." You said. "What?! There's something wrong with you! Do you have a fever?" Sora said feeling your forehead. "Sora! Why are you yelling at her? She's just a little kid!" "Sorry mom..." "It's why don't you sit down next to me Sora." You said smiling. Sora screamed in confusion and ran upstairs. You didn't know why he did that.

"Why is she acting so mature? It's really weird!" Sora asked them. "Sora I think that you might be going crazy!" Kairi said. "Well she is going to be going into kindergarten soon. So maybe she feels like she wants to grow up a little..." Riku said. "Is that it?" Sora asked. "Probably..." Kairi said. "I don't know...something doesn't feel right." Sora said. "Well go to her." Kairi said. You were sitting down on the weird tree by yourself. "Oh...okay." He said walking up to you. You looked so confused. He sat next to you. "I don't know...." You whispered trying to remember what your dad looked like. "Don't know what?" Sora asked. "'s just something is wrong. I don't want you to worry about me. You hardly know me." You frowned. "......" "What's the matter?" You asked him. "I've known you for months! I saved your home from the organization." He said looking at you. You shook your head. You got up and looked at the fifteen year old. "I'm very sorry...." You said frowning. Sora sat there. He just wanted you back. "Sora what's wrong?" Kairi asked. "She doesn't remember me...." He whispered. "I couldn't hear you..." She said. "She doesn't remember me!" Sora yelled with tears. Why did this hurt so bad? Again he only knew ____ for five months. So why did his heart hurt so badly? She was just a little kid. What was so special about her? "Sora...." Kairi said. "I don't get it. Why am I crying?" He asked. "Sora ____ is..." She began. "Kairi we were going out for ice cream. Are you coming?" You asked her. You were hanging out with Riku and Kairi all day. "Hey Kairi does she remember you?" He asked. "I think so." She said. "Sora what's wrong?" You asked him. Something was different about him. You didn't know what. "Nothing..." He said looking down. "Oh...okay..." You said. Something didn't feel right though.


He kept on looking at the photo of you. You were years away from home and it was getting to him. "Namine would like to talk to you." A guard said. "Send her in..." He said. "I need to talk to you. Your majesty." Namine walking in to his office. "You are a friend please call me by my name." He said. "Okay...Yo...I mean Sora..." She began. How was she going to tell him that his own daughter didn't remember him. "Please sit down. What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" He asked. She sat down on the sofa. "It's about your daughter...." She began. "What happened?" He asked worried. He remembered almost losing her when she was three. "She went near Dark Rose castle....." She couldn't continue. He never let you go near that castle. Because of the events that happened there. "Does she remember....her mom?" He asked looking a little worried. "She was about to...but I..." She said looking down. "Did the darkness over take her heart?!" He said looking a little upset. "No she's safe. It's just she doesn't remember you....I had to use those memories to save her heart. It was the only way...we didn't have a choice." She said frowning. He didn't know what to say. His own daughter didn't know who he was. He was trying to take all of this in "Sora..." She said frowning. "It's okay......" He said looking away. "Is it?" She asked him knowing that he was lying. "Yes..." He said going back to his desk. Namine walked out of the office. She knew what she had done. She couldn't help the two recover that father-daughter relationship. They had to do it. It might be hard but she knew Sora well. "I know that he could do it..." She closed the door behind her.

*Back with you*

All the way home Sora was acting weird. You looked over at him. "Is that darkness?!" You thought. You shook your head. Sora didn't seem to be the type to have a lot darkness in his heart but still.... You knocked on his bedroom door. "I'm sorry to bother you...but Sora are you mad at me?" You asked. "No...why do you think that?" He asked. "It's just lately you've been acting weird. I'll go back to my room." You said. "Wait! Why don't we go downstairs and watch some cartoons?" He asked. "S-sure..." You said. You didn't want to be rude but you just wanted to go to bed. You sat down in the chair. "I love this show." He said looking at the tv. "Yeah it looks cool...." You were getting sleepy. Before you knew it you were fast asleep. Sora smiled at you and put you in bed. "Here..." He whispered picking up the puppy plush. He immediately dropped it. He didn't know what was wrong but his heart hurt. "What's this feeling?!" He thought putting his hand over where his heart was. It felt strange like a surge of energy. "I-Is this darkness?" He was confused. He only felt darkness when he was angry and he wasn't angry at the you. He didn't get it. "I think that I need some sleep." He said going to his room.


You got up in the middle of the night to get water. That you when you saw it. A letter addressed to you. You took a deep breath and tried to read it. You didn't know how to read yet. You could at least recognize some words. You dropped the letter. "They want me to come home..." You frowned. "Sora is having trouble with the darkness. I just know it. If I go back home...then  what will happen to his heart..." You thought looking down.

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